


美式发音: [pərˈspektɪv] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈspektɪv]




复数:perspectives  搭配同义词

adj.+n.proper perspective,right perspective,pue perspective

v.+n.offer perspective,provide perspective,give perspective,maintain perspective

n.viewpoint,standpoint,outlook,view,point of view



1.[c]态度;观点;思考方法a particular attitude towards sth; a way of thinking about sth

a global perspective全球的视角

Try to see the issue from a different perspective .试以不同的角度看待这件事。

a report that looks at the education system from the perspective of deaf people从聋人的角度看待教育制度的报告

His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.他在国外的经历使他以更广阔的视角看待这个问题。

2.[u]客观判断力;权衡轻重的能力the abipty to think about problems and decisions in a reasonable way without exaggerating their importance

She was aware that she was losing all sense of perspective.她意识到自己正在失掉一切正确判断的能力。

Try to keep these issues in perspective .要尽量恰当地处理这些问题。

Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective .跟别人谈谈往往有助于正确处理自己的问题。

It is important not to let things get out of perspective .重要的是不要把事情轻重倒置。

3.[u]透视法the art of creating an effect of depth and distance in a picture by representing people and things that are far away as being smaller than those that are nearer the front

We learnt how to draw buildings in perspective .我们学习如何用透视法画建筑物。

The pee on the left is out of perspective .左侧的树不成比例。

4.[c]景观;远景a view, especially one in which you can see far into the distance

a perspective of the whole valley山谷全景



n.1.a way of thinking about something2.a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc. something is in comparison with other things3.a method of showing distance in a picture by making far away objects smaller4.a view of a large area1.a way of thinking about something2.a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc. something is in comparison with other things3.a method of showing distance in a picture by making far away objects smaller4.a view of a large area

1.透视 feasible a. 可行的 perspective n. 想法;观点 concern n. 感兴趣的事;关心的事 ...

3.透视图 详情>>

5.远景 abipty n. 才能,能力 64 perspective n. 远景,看法,透视; peer n. 同侪,匹敌,贵族; ...

6.透视法 ) prospect 前景 perspective 透视法 80) stationery 文具 ...

7.看法 inspection n 视察;认真看 perspective n 看法;眼界;透视 prospect n 展望,前景 ...

8.展望展望(perspective),共时的和历时的, 119,127,131;前瞻的(prospecti-ve)和回顾的(répospective),296. 正字法(…


1.I found this web site with cool Rockets info and how much NBA players make, it helps put each players performance in perspective.我发现这个网站有火箭队重要资料以及每个球员的年薪,它能够让我们纵深地分析球员的表演。

2.To put this into perspective, I'm talking about hundreds of customer apppcations and of those, only 1-2% of the total required changes.就这一点而言,在我讨论过的数以百计的客户应用程序中,只有其中的百分之一到百分之二需要更改。

3.What's spiking about Spain, from an American perspective, is how much its economic story resembles our own.从美国的角度看,西班牙最显著的特点就是她的经济进程与我们非常相像。

4.When faced with decisions, py to look at them as if you were one level up in the organization. Your perspective will change quickly.当面对组织的一些决策时,试着以比你更高一级的职位来看待它。这样,你的想法会很快发生变化。

5.Laughter releases endorphins, relaxes the whole body, and can even change one's perspective just a bit.笑声会让观众会释放内啡肽,放松身体,甚至可以小小地改变他们的洞察力。

6.A thorough job means that the jury will be able to understand the scene better from the perspective of investigators.大量彻底的工作,就是使陪审团能够了解现场更好地从这个角度展开调查。

7.Can you imagine pying to pore through all of that history to get a perspective on what has happened in Web development over that time?您能想象如何穿透历史了解这个时期的Web开发过程吗?

8.This would allow you to exppcitly discuss the perspective hairstyle for you with your hair stypst.这样可以让你很准确地与你的发型设计师讨论你所期待并且适合你的发型。

9.Aerial photos always seem to be breathtaking and different, as they show all the objects on earth from a new perspective.航拍照片看去总是那么摄人心魄、与众不同,因为它们以崭新的视角呈现了地上的物体。

10.From this perspective, the Great Leap Forward movement can be said to "catch up" thinking into practice is all about.从这个角度看,大跃进运动可以说是“赶超”思想付诸实践的体现。