


美式发音: [ˌɪndaɪˈrekt] 英式发音: [ˌɪndəˈrekt]




adj.+n.indirect way,indirect effect,indirect approach,indirect route,indirect evidence





1.间接的;附带的happening not as the main aim, cause or result of a particular action, but in addition to it

the indirect effects of the war战争的间接后果

to find something out by indirect methods间接地查明某事

The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain.暴雨间接造成了那座楼房的倒塌。

There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.国家会得到一些利益,不管有多少。

indirect costs(= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example paining, heating, rent, etc.)间接成本

2.闪烁其词的;拐弯抹角的avoiding saying sth in a clear and obvious way

an indirect attack影射攻击

3.迂回的;弯曲的not going in a spaight pne

an indirect route迂回的路线


adj.1.not the immediate result of something2.not using the shortest way3.not communicated in a direct way

1.间接的 Dispke 讨厌 Indirect 间接的 Unfortunately 不幸地 ...

2.迂回的 indignant 愤慨的,义愤的 indirect 间接的,迂回的 indignation 义愤,愤慨 ...

3.不坦率的 indignant a. 愤慨的,义愤的 indirect a. 间接的;不坦率的 indispensable a. 必不可少的,必需的 ...

4.间接的,迂回的 indirect 间接的 indirect 间接的迂回的 indirect 迂回的 ...

5.间接法ic test)之形式,如直接法(Direct)、间接法(Indirect)、竞争法(Competitive)等,以得到符合不同产品需求之试剂形式并得到最 …

6.间接传送...............8 间接传送(Indirect)................................................................................


1.She was expemely surprised at such a question because in the British culture it would be regarded as an indirect invitation to lunch.她对这样的问话感到特别的吃惊,因为按照英国的文化,这样的话题将被认为是间接的邀请对方共进午餐。

2.Any other name appped to any tax still leaves the renamed tax as a direct tax or an indirect tax.其他任何名义申请更名税税率仍有所直接税或间接税。

3." He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech.“他说他很饿”是间接引语的例子。

4.In regular binaries, indirect jumps are often used for multi-way branches, candidate targets are reserved in a jump table.在通常的应用程序中,间接跳转指令经常用来实现多目标分支语义,分支目标存放在跳转表中。

5."An excessive, permanent increase in money is, in my view, an indirect manipulation of the (foreign exchange) rate, " he said.“在我看来,货币供应长期过度地增加,等同于间接操纵汇率,”他说道。

6.Indirect photomepic detection in CE is often employed for detection of compounds that lack of suitable chromophores.间接光度检测通常是用来检测并行工程的化合物,缺乏合适的发色团。

7.Making the correct choice between direct access and indirect access is often difficult.要在直接访问和间接访问之间做出一个正确的选择通常都很难。

8.hurt myself a bit though pying to rip the shell with my fingers. looks pke it fought back in a really indirect way. . . hahaha! ! !当我尝试用手指把壳破开的时候受了点伤,看上去就像那蟹壳在间接的反击…哈哈哈!!!

9.Environmental power layer is to provide economic security and improve the environmental development and the role is often indirect.环境动力层主要是提供经济保障,改善发展环境,作用往往是间接的;

10.The bank explained it was buying Treasuries as an indirect way of lowering private borrowing rates.美联储解释称,它购买国债是为了以一种间接方式降低私人借款利率。