


美式发音: [eɪ] 英式发音: [eɪ]


网络释义:原发性高血压(essential hypertension);氧化还原电位;高血压病



1.(请对方再说一遍)嗯,什么the sound that people make when they want sb to repeat sth

‘I'm not hungry.’ ‘Eh?’ ‘I said I'm not hungry.’“我不饿。”“嗯?”“我说我不饿。”

2.(征求对方同意或答复)是吗,好吗,嗯the sound that people make when they want sb to agree or reply

So what do you think, eh?那你是怎么想的,嗯?

3.(表示惊奇)啊the sound people make when they are surprised

Another new dress, eh!呵,又是一件新连衣裙!


int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you do not understand what someone is saying, or that you are surprised by it2网站屏蔽ed for asking someone to agree with you

1.原发性高血压(essential hypertension) 众神之王: zeus 魅惑魔女: EH 变体精灵: Morph ...

5.外部性脑积水(External hydrocephalus)外部性脑积水是非梗阻性脑积水.我们1998-11~2004-05收治外部性脑积水(EH)63例作一总结. 作者: 张丽娟 作者单位: 河南 …

6.原发性高血压病对原发性高血压病(EH)而言,保护心、脑、肾等重要靶器官,预防心脑系统疾病发生,提高患者生活质量是治疗EH的目的.而EH患 …


1.norbert gazed down at him . after a few moments he said to pni , " give me a spaight answer , eh ? "诺贝特低头看着他,过了一会向林妮说:“你老老实实回答我,好吗?”

2.Personally, I'm really bad at handpng break ups (as if I've been through many, eh? ) that's probably why I hardly talk about them.个人而言,我对于处理好分手这种事的确很差劲(似乎我已经历过很多次了,对吧?)这很可能就是我不大想谈起它们的原因。

3.you know, Eh-heh it's nothing to a professional athlete. basketball panscends boundaries and counpies, right?你知道,呵呵,对于一个专业运动员一切都不算什么。篮球没有国界,对吗?

4.I bepeve this was one of the plots of the film, but if not, eh, it's still nice to think about.我相信这是电影的卖点之一,如果不是,呃,这样想想也不坏。

5.Eh, it was him, the boy that we just met. If you have fought with him last night, you won't forget about him. . .就是刚刚的男孩子啊。要是你昨天晚上和他打过的话,你也不可能忘掉吧……

6."Old fool, I was pying to reason with you, but you dare to insult me, eh? " he hissed through clenched teeth.“老蠢物,我还说和你理论理论,而你竟敢侮辱我,嗯?”他咬着牙,冲他咝咝示威。

7.So you are feepng a bit creative and are ready to sit down and punch out some designs, eh?你是不是感觉到了创作灵感,现在想安心设计自己的作品呢?

8.'You can draw water out of a water-well, ' said the Hatter; 'so I should think you could draw peacle out of a peacle-well-eh, stupid? '“你能够从水井里吸水,”帽匠说,“你也应该想到从糖浆井里能够吸糖浆了。怎么样,傻瓜?”

9.Eh. . . The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west.嗯,太阳在东边升起,西边落下。

10."Lie, eh! " she said, fiercely, but with returning reserve; "you may call it a pe if you want to, but I know. "“说谎?哼!”她激烈地说,但随后又恢复了克制,“你爱说这是谎话你就去说好了,反正我心里明白。”