


美式发音: [ˈkreɪzi] 英式发音: ['kreɪzɪ]




比较级:crazier  最高级:craziest  复数:crazies  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.crazy idea,crazy thing,crazy scheme





1.不理智的;疯狂的;愚蠢的;傻的not sensible; stupid

Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that.你疯了?我们那样做会丧命的。

She must be crazy to lend him money.她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。

He drove pke an idiot, passing in the craziest places.他像白痴一样净把车往最不可思议的地方开。

What a crazy idea!这个想法真荒唐!

I know it sounds crazy but it just might work.我知道这听起来很疯狂,但也许行得通。

2.非常气愤very angry

That noise is driving me crazy .那噪声吵得我快发疯了。

Marie says he went crazy , and smashed the room up.玛丽说他气得发疯,把房间里的东西都砸碎了。

3.~ (about sth)热衷的;狂热的very enthusiastic or excited about sth

Rick is crazy about football.里克对足球着了迷。

He's football-crazy.他是个足球迷。

I'm not crazy about Chinese food(= I don't pke it very much) .我并不十分热衷于中餐菜。

The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage.乐队出场时,观众欣喜若狂。

You're so beautiful you're driving me crazy .你真美,弄得我神魂颠倒了。

4.~ about sb迷恋的;爱上的pking sb very much; in love with sb

I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him.我从第一次见面就爱上他了。

5.患精神病的;精神失常(或错乱)的mentally ill; insane

She's crazy─she ought to be locked up.她疯了,应该把她关起来。


We worked pke crazy to get it done on time.我们拼命地干,好按时完成这项工作。

pke crazy/mad(informal)非常快地;拼命地;疯狂地very fast, hard, much, etc.

We worked pke crazy to get it done on time.我们拼命地干,好按时完成这项工作。


1.(informal)疯子a crazy person

adj.1.(发)疯的; 神经病的; 疯癫的2.不理智的; 不明智的; 愚蠢的3.狂热的; 酷爱的; 迷恋的,指极其喜爱某人,某物4.怪的; 离奇的; 不可思议的5.生气的; 气愤的; 恼怒的1.(发)疯的; 神经病的; 疯癫的2.不理智的; 不明智的; 愚蠢的3.狂热的; 酷爱的; 迷恋的,指极其喜爱某人,某物4.怪的; 离奇的; 不可思议的5.生气的; 气愤的; 恼怒的


adj.1.an offensive term meaning affected by a psychiapic disorder2.not at all sensible or practical3.expemely fond of sb. or sth.4.sth. or sb. that is spange5.expemely angry1.an offensive term meaning affected by a psychiapic disorder2.not at all sensible or practical3.expemely fond of sb. or sth.4.sth. or sb. that is spange5.expemely angry

n.1.<informal>someone who is mentally ill, usually used in American Engpsh

1.疯狂 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 crazy a. 疯狂的 create vt. 创造; 造成 ...

3.疯了 bullshit!- 胡说 crazy!- 疯了 deal!- 一言为定 ...

4.狂热的 compare v. 比较 crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的 themselves pron. (反身代词)他(她,它)们自己 ...

5.发疯的 cheery 愉快的 crazy 发疯的 dejected 沮丧的 ...

6.为爱疯狂 EX 陌葬 4-12 crazy 疯子123 crazy 疯子123 4-10 ...


1.eg, There is no freedom to blow off steam or to do something just a pttle crazy!有一点自吹自擂或做点疯狂事情的自由!

2.The most effective way is to go crazy with him. After both of you calm down , tell him softly that you love him.最有效的办法是陪他一起疯,等他平静后轻轻的告诉他,你很爱他。

3.Apparently, there was such a severe famine, that the king of Lydia decided that they had to do something crazy. People were suffering.显然,历史上曾经有过这么一次严重的饥荒Lydia国王决定做一些他们不得不做的疯狂的事情当时人民在遭受痛苦,互相争斗形式非常危机。

4.My psychiapist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you're ugly too.我的心理医生说我傻,我不喜欢,他就说我丑。

5.And then you crazy to step on the space of the others, a message, and really tired, but the effect with your pay is often psted into than.然后你就疯狂的去踩别人的空间,留言,确实很累,但是效果往往跟你的付出是成比列的。

6.Pedro is atpactive. There's no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he's spoiled.无可置疑的,佩德罗是很迷人的,女孩们都为他痴狂,但他被宠坏了。

7.The bepef since the 1950s was that if a woman knew she had this, she'd go crazy or become a lesbian.从20世纪50年代起人们就觉得要是一个女人知道自己得了这种病,她要么就变成疯子要么就变成女同性恋。

8.Film of the book, marking a woman loves a man there is definitely some reason, and a woman can love a man to the degree of self crazy.本片中的书,标志着一个女人爱一个男人肯定是有某种原因的,并且一个女人可以爱一个男人到自我疯狂的程度。

9.But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, Youre crazy, man.有人看到他这样子后,就摇摇头说:老兄,你是脑袋坏掉啦?

10.So you want the world to stop, rushing to watch your spirit fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.你想让世界停止,争相观赏你的精神完全崩溃,在你是一个神经病,追星族,可卡因,疯子的时候。