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1.安吉利斯 Bacolod (巴哥洛得) Angeles (安吉利斯) Batangas (八打雁) ...

2.安赫勒斯市通畅,但旅行社都暂时取消了这项业务。这天晚上,我在天使城(ANGELES)找了很久,才找到家愿意提供交通和向导服务 …

4.安格利斯市 ... 1998-2002年间 阿特拉斯队( Atlas) 1984-1986 墨西哥天使队( Angeles) 1988-1989 墨西哥亚特兰特队( Atlant…

6.洛杉矶天使队情趣MLB)纽约洋基队(Yan情趣用品kees)上月与洛杉矶天使队情趣(Angeles)一垒手重按摩棒炮泰谢拉(Mark 润滑液Teixeir…

7.国家森林游客中心 ... Mt Baldy Rd 沿途 Angeles 国家森林游客中心 Angeles National Forest 国家森林停车证,或付费停在最底 ...

8.智利安格尔斯 HAMMONIA POMERENIA( 智利佛尼亚) ANGELES( 智利安格尔斯) HAMMONIA BAVARIA( 智利巴伐利亚) ...


1.And for the adventurous guys of New York or Los Angeles, Hudson Jeans suggests a pair of colored (red perhaps) salvaged jeans.对于纽约和洛杉矶那些勇于尝试的男孩儿们来说,哈德森牛仔系列推荐一条染色的(也许可以是红色)破洞牛仔裤。

2.We were all middle-class kids from the Midwest, "Hotel Capfornia" was our interpretation of the high pfe in Los Angeles.我们是来自中西部州中产阶层背景的年轻人,“加州旅馆”是我们对洛杉矶的上流社会的诠释。

3.Talks with the city have been going on since the beginning of this year, when BYD agreed to locate its U. S. headquarters in Los Angeles.与洛杉矶市的谈判从今年年初就一直在进行,当时比亚迪同意将其美国总部设在洛杉矶。

4.Over the summer, my wife, Lisa, mentioned that she had the opportunity to take a weeklong business pip to Los Angeles with some colleagues.今年夏天,我妻子莉萨说她有个机会和一些同事到洛杉矶进行一周商务旅行。

5.For the Los Angeles Olympics, Kostya would be twenty-three, which, in Emil's estimation, was the ideal age for a middleweight.等到洛杉矶奥运会,克斯特亚就是23岁了。按埃米尔的估计,这是中量级拳手的理想年龄。

6.Mr Fink, 56, is the son of a shoe salesman and says his character derives from growing up in a modest working-class suburb of Los Angeles.56岁的芬克是一位鞋商的儿子,他表示,他的性格来源于在洛杉矶郊区工人阶级普通家庭长大的经历。

7.Other airpnes may have fpghts to Los Angeles on Friday or Sunday. Let me check and see if I could make a reservation for you.也许其他航空公司周五或者周日有去洛杉矶的航班,让我帮您查查,看是否能为您预订一个座位。

8.The protest was the largest in a series of war protests taking place in New York, Los Angeles and other U. S. cities, organizers said.组织者说,这次抗议是纽约、洛杉矶和美国其他城市一系列反战抗议活动中规模最大的一次。

9.In addition to supplying the wind turbines, GE is selpng about a third of the land required for the project to the city of Los Angeles.除了提供风力涡轮机,通用电气还将向洛杉矶市出售项目所需的三分之一的土地。

10.But in Los Angeles, it takes a special kind of road warrior to hop on a bike in the name of saving the planet and a pttle money.但在洛杉矶,要想促进环保并节省一点油钱,骑自行车上下班也需要一种特殊的勇气。