



1.Warren Harding, 29th U. S. president, played poker at least twice a week, and once gambled away an entire set of White House china.美国第29任总统沃伦·哈丁每周要至少打两次扑克,并且至少输掉一整套白宫瓷器。

2.On November 29th America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released the results of an investigation it had conducted of Facebook.在11月29日,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)发布了针对Facebook的一份调查结果。

3.Sorry, made a mistake, I remember on the 29th for me to see the small male's birthday party Oh!对不起,发错了,记得29号代我去参见小雄的生日聚会哦!

4.The bail-out on March 29th of a small savings bank, Caja Castilla La Mancha, could change that perception.3月29日的针对一家小型储蓄银行CajaCastillaLaMancha的救援行动可能会改变这种认识。

5.An MRI on Dec. 29th showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in the cerebellum (lower part of the brain), close to the brain stem.在12月29日,核磁共振表明,在他的小脑(脑的低部)有一个高尔夫球大小的肿瘤,就挨着脑干。

6.The latest drop was prompted by the news on May 29th that BP's attempt to plug the leak with a "top kill" had failed.最新消息为5月29日新闻报道的,BP试图用“必杀”堵住漏洞,但是失败了。

7.Then in 1973 their first fluorite piplet telescope was used too photograph the total solar ecppse on June 29th of that year in Africa.之后,1973年他们的第一款三片式萤石望远镜用于天文摄影,那年的6月29日在南非发生了日全蚀。

8.At a news conference on January 29th Sir Howard said Sony had been "putting off unpleasant decisions" and now had to "move in a hurry" .在1月29日的一个记者招待会上,他表示索尼过去一直在“推迟做出痛苦的决定”,结果现在必须“赶紧”。

9.This means postponing scheduled elections for half the seats in the Diet's upper house by a week, to July 29th.这意味着国会上院半数席位选举将被推迟一周,于7月29号举行。

10.News of the British-led expedition's piumph on May 29th 1953 reached the world through a report in the London Times four days later.由英国人带领的远征队在1953年5月29日凯旋而归,他们胜利的消息四天后通过伦敦《时代》的一篇报道传遍世界。