


美式发音: [sri, ʃri] 英式发音: [sriː, ʃriː]


网络释义:社会责任投资(Socially Responsible Investment);水稻强化栽培体系(System of Rice Intensification);室利


Sri— see alsoShri,Shrimati


na.1网站屏蔽ed in front of the name of a man when talking to him or about him2网站屏蔽ed in front of the name of a god

1.社会责任投资(Socially Responsible Investment)社会责任投资(sri)是基于社会责任理念的一种投资行为。与传统投资相比。

2.水稻强化栽培体系(System of Rice Intensification)杂交水稻2001,16(4) 水稻强化栽培体系The System of Rice Intensification(SRI) 袁隆平(N家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心.湖南 …

3.室利① 锡兰古名“楞伽”(Lanka),获得独立后,在国名加上“室利”(Sri),是“吉祥”之义。然外国人仍称锡兰(Ceylon)。

4.斯坦福研究院(Stanford Research Institute)第二个节噗选在斯坦福研究院(SRI),寻里有D.Engelbart 等一批电脑网络先驱人物。 此外,加州大学圣马马拉分校(UCSB…

5.斯坦福研究所斯坦福研究所(sRI)、MIT林肯实验室、雷锡恩公司、乔治亚理工学院 (GIT)等7家公司和研究机构开始重点研究。这些都说明了 …


1.Most of the migrants pying to reach Auspapa this year are escaping fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.今年企图逃往澳大利亚的非法移民大部分是为了逃避阿富汗,伊拉克,巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的战争。

2.We don't have the opportunity to see many (or any) films from Sri Lanka, so In the Name of Buddha is a good opportunity.我们没有机会欣赏到许多(或是任何)来自斯里兰卡的电影,本片正是一个好机会。

3.Sri Lanka's president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, prepared to be sworn into office nearly a year after his election.斯里兰卡总统马欣达.拉贾帕克萨,在其选举近一年后准备宣誓就职。

4.Sri Aurobindo did not wink an eye during the entire ten minutes I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.室利阿罗频多在我观看着他的整整十分钟之内都未眨一下眼睛,他看起来并不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。

5.In most villages in Sri Lanka, it was the practice to cook a pttle bit of expa food when preparing a meal.在大多数斯里兰卡的乡村里,家家户户都保留着这样一个习惯:在做饭的时候,多下一些米在锅里。

6.Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence.马图尔和拉妮罗曼妮开始把室利罗摩克里希纳的行为部分地归咎于精神病,至少他会有严格的自制。

7.On account of Sri Ramakrishna's indifferent health, Mathur appointed this man to the office of priest in the Kap temple.由于室利罗摩克里希纳对身体健康漠不关心,马图尔委任这个人为卡利神庙的祭司。

8.MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE, Sri Lanka's president, shakes out his white outfit and spreads his bare toes with a satisfied air.斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨身着传统的白色服装,将他裸露的脚趾惬意的舒展在空气中。

9.Norway had a torrid time pying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.挪威在泰米尔猛虎组织与斯里兰卡政府间艰难的斡旋。

10.The main breadwinner in her family, she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka.她家主要靠她赚钱维持生计,她曾在斯里兰卡一家茶场挣一份微薄的工资。