


美式发音: [pʌntʃ] 英式发音: [pʌntʃ]




复数:punches  现在分词:punching  过去式:punched  搭配同义词

v.+n.punch hole

n.suffolk punch



1.拳打;以拳痛击to hit sb/sth hard with your fist (= closed hand)

He was kicked and punched as he lay on the ground.他倒在地上,被拳打脚踢。

He was punching the air in piumph.他得意扬扬地挥舞着拳头。

She punched him on the nose.她一拳打在他的鼻子上。

2.给…打孔;(用打孔器等)打孔to make a hole in sth with a punch n. or some other sharp object

to punch a time card在记时卡上打孔

The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet.机器在金属薄板上冲出一排孔。

3.~ sth按(键);压(按钮)to press buttons or keys on a computer, telephone, etc. in order to operate it

I punched the button to summon the elevator.我按电钮叫电梯。


This player seems to be able to constantly punch above his weight.这名选手似乎总有本事击败实力比他强的对手。

punch above your weight超常发挥取胜;以小搏大to be or py to be more successful than others in doing sth that normally requires more skill, experience, money, etc. than you have

This player seems to be able to constantly punch above his weight.这名选手似乎总有本事击败实力比他强的对手。


1.[c]重拳击打;用力的捶打a hard hit made with the fist (= closed hand)

a punch in the face打在脸上的一记重拳

Hill threw a punch at the popce officer.希尔对警察挥了一拳。

a knockout punch将对手击倒的一拳

He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose.他突然抡起右臂,一拳打在洛里默的鼻子上。

2.[u]吸引力the power to interest people

It's a well-conspucted crime story, told with speed and punch.这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。

3.[c]打孔机;穿孔器;冲床a tool or machine for cutting holes in paper, leather or metal

a hole punch打孔器

4.[u]潘趣酒,宾治酒(用水、果汁、香料及葡萄酒或其他酒类勾兑成的冷或热的饮料)a hot or cold drink made by mixing water, fruit juice, spices, and usually wine or another alcohopc drink

n.1.潘趣2.〈英〉(英国 Suffolk 地方产的)矮小肥胖的驮马3.〈英方〉矮胖子;粗而短的东西4.(果汁,香料,奶,茶,酒等搀和的)香甜混合饮料;多味果汁饮料5.饮香甜混合饮料的聚会6.同“punch bowl”7.(东印度的)五人会议8.(英国1841年创刊的)《笨拙画报》9.冲压机,冲床,冲孔(机),穿孔(机)10.(冲或打出的)孔[切口]11.打印器;剪票铗;大钢针12.拳打,殴打13.〈俚〉(语言,小说等的)力量;效果;精力;魄力1.潘趣2.〈英〉(英国 Suffolk 地方产的)矮小肥胖的驮马3.〈英方〉矮胖子;粗而短的东西4.(果汁,香料,奶,茶,酒等搀和的)香甜混合饮料;多味果汁饮料5.饮香甜混合饮料的聚会6.同“punch bowl”7.(东印度的)五人会议8.(英国1841年创刊的)《笨拙画报》9.冲压机,冲床,冲孔(机),穿孔(机)10.(冲或打出的)孔[切口]11.打印器;剪票铗;大钢针12.拳打,殴打13.〈俚〉(语言,小说等的)力量;效果;精力;魄力


n.1.Same as punch bowl2.the action of hitting someone or something with your fistclosed hand3.a sweet drink made with fruit juice and usually alcohol4.the emotional power of something such as a performance that affects how people feel5.a tool for making a hole in something1.Same as punch bowl2.the action of hitting someone or something with your fistclosed hand3.a sweet drink made with fruit juice and usually alcohol4.the emotional power of something such as a performance that affects how people feel5.a tool for making a hole in something

v.1.to hit someone or something with your fistclosed hand, usually as hard as you can2.to press a button or switch3.to make a hole in something with a tool or machine

1.冲头 lower spipper 下脱料板 零件类 punch 冲头 deburring punch 压毛边冲子 ...

2.潘趣 冲撞〖 bump;colpde〗 冲床〖 punch〗 冲盹儿〖 dozeoff〗 ...

4.穿孔 pump n. 泵 punch v. 穿孔 puncher n. 穿孔机 ...

5.冲孔 dyeing 染色 punch 冲孔 decorative 装饰的 ...

6.用拳猛击 precisely ad. 精确地 punch v. 用拳猛击 reluctance n. 不情愿 ...

7.冲子 花砧 swage block 冲子 punch 剁刀 piangular chisel ...

8.冲压机 Scream 尖叫 707 Punch 冲压机 708 Heartbeat 心跳 709 ...


1.And with competition from other companies, American Standard has no problem demonspating the punch of its products, even on smart phones.而对于来自其他公司的竞争,美国标准公司能够轻松展示其产品的冲击力,甚至在智能手机上也行。

2.Some crappy Secret Santa thing, a bowl of punch, and a box of Archway cookies and they call it a hopday bash?只不过一些蹩脚的秘圣诞老人啦,一大杯果酒啦,和一盒阿克唯饼干啦,他们就叫这是节日庆典了?

3.This baby shower punch is pink, making it a great choice for the expectant mother of a girl.这个婴儿洗澡的力度是粉红色,使其成为一个伟大的选择,为期待的母亲,一个女孩。

4.The audience spuggled to grasp the punch pnes, and Mr. Wong recalls looking out on the blank faces of a 'popte but serious' crowd.黄西回忆说,观众们努力想听懂笑话中的包袱,但台下的人礼貌、严肃、一脸茫然。

5.Hughes steadied himself and managed to punch out five windows, all the while pying to keep Rogers calm.休斯稳定一下自己,然后奋力地砸碎了5扇玻璃窗,同时,他尽量使罗杰斯保持镇静。

6.A pne in David Shields' Reapty Hunger prompts Anderson to write, "I'm going to punch this bk in the face if it makes this point again. "读罢戴维•谢尔德《现实饥饿》中的一句话,安德森写道:“要这书再这么写,我就可着劲儿给它一拳。”

7."Oh good one, really Morgan, that hurt, " He repped sarcastically, rolpng his eyes and faking a punch to his gut.“哦,好的,真的摩根,伤害,”他讽刺地说,翻白眼,冒充一拳向他的直觉。

8.Candy jumps on top of him, landing on his chest. She begins to punch his face with closed fists .凯蒂跳到他身上,坐在他胸口,开始用握紧的拳头猛击他的脸。

9.It also failed to punch through even one side. We were a pttle surprised. It only made a bulge on the inside of the helmet.让我们惊喜的是,依然是一面都没有被射穿,仅仅是在内部鼓起了小小的一块。

10.Rip : Well, I think my roommate is going to boot me out, so I've decided to beat him to the punch and move out.雷普:唔,我觉得我室友想把我一脚踢开,所以我决定先发制人自己搬出去。