


美式发音: [er] 英式发音: [eə(r)]



复数:heirs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sole heir,male heir,pue heir




1.继承人;后嗣a person who has the legal right to receive sb's property, money or title when that person dies

to be heir to a large fortune是大笔财产的继承人

the heir to the throne(= the person who will be the next king or queen)王位继承人

2.(工作或传统的)继承者,承袭者,传人a person who is thought to continue the work or a padition started by sb else

the president's poptical heirs总统的政治继承者

n.1.后嗣,嗣子 (to);继承人

n.1.someone who will receive money, property, or a title when another person dies2.the next person to have a particular job or to continue someones work or ideas

1.继承人 梦魅男士 Hypnose Homme 继承人 Heir 本能运动 Instinct Sport ...

2.后嗣 history( 历史); heir( 继承人,后嗣); inherit( 继承,遗传); ...

3.嗣子 adopt 领养 heir 继承人,嗣子 maternal 母亲的,母系的 ...

4.继承者 generosity 慷慨;宽宏大量 heir 继承者;后嗣 foe 敌人 ...

5.后嗣,继承人 heave vt. (用力地)举起;抛 194, heir n. 后嗣,继承人 195, heritage n. 遗产,继承物,传统 196, ...

6.承继人 Herd Instinct 羊群心理 Heir 承继人 Hold 持有 ...

7.继承人,后嗣 Heighten vt. 提高,升高 Heir n. 继承人,后嗣 Healthful adj. 有益健康的 ...


1.Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir. "4耶和华又有话对他说,这人必不成为你的后嗣。你本身所生的才成为你的后嗣。

2.Shortly after the marriage you became pregnant. What was your reaction as you heard that it would be an heir to the throne?结婚不久您就怀孕了。当您听到它将是王位的继承人时,你的反应是什么?

3.He made himself an heir by the murder, and he seeks to take property as the fruit of his crime.他通过谋杀使自己成为继承人,并想通过占有犯罪成果而获得遗产。

4.Despite Kim Jong-un's position as a four-star general and the heir apparent to his father, he remains something of an enigma.尽管金正银拥有四星上将的身份,而且是众所周知的金正日继承人,但他的一切仍然是个谜。

5.When he died, his young nephew was the only heir to his great wealth.当他死后,他年轻的侄儿是唯一继承人,他的巨大财富。

6.The british empire, at long last, appears to have found a powerful heir. pax americana -peace imposed by US domination.不列颠帝国似乎终于找到了一个强大的继承人。美国强权下的世界和平——美国控制下实施的和平。

7.The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he continued to be lavish with money.这年轻的继承人被警告说,如果他再挥金如土,将会很快破产。

8.A woman's primary role in the home is to produce sons, as this will bring honor to her family, and an heir for her husband.在家庭中,妇女的主要任务是生儿子,这将给家庭带来荣耀,而且儿子也会成为父亲的继承人。

9.As the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles was usually the subject of media attention and his courtship of Diana was no exception.作为英国皇位的继承人,查尔斯王子一直以来是媒体关注的对象,他对戴安娜的追求也不例外。

10.It is possible that Stapleton did not know of the existence of an heir in Canada.可能斯台普吞并不知道在加拿大还有一个继承人。