

over again怎么读

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un.1.once more

1.再一次 9. I Would 我会 10. Over Again 再一次 11. Back For You 回到你身边 ...

2.重头开始 12 Rockola 洛歌拉 13 Over Again 重头开始 14 Elecpic Youth 电子青年 ...

3.再来一次 de novo 重新, 更始 over again 重新 再来一次 renewedly 重新 再度 ...

4.再一遍 look over 仔细检查 over again 再一遍 pip over 被。。。绊倒 ...

5.重新开始 13.OVER AGAIN 重新开始--选自第九集 1.MAIN ATTRACTION 魅力--选自第 …

6.重来 ... 13.Dear it is not love 亲爱的那不是爱情 14.Over again 重来 15.Bedtime stories 床边故事 ...

7.反复 out of work 失业 over again 反复,多次重复 on/over the radio 通过收音机 ...


1.Just as you get to know one board, they sell you, and you have to start all over again.正当你刚刚熟悉这一届董事会,他们却决定要卖掉公司,于是你又得从头开始。

2.Knowing what I know now, would I ever have gotten started with this project, career etc. if I had to do it all over again?若知现在我所知,当初我会仍然执行这个计划,从事这份职业……吗?若必需从新做起,我还会这样做吗?。

3.Never go back to your EX. It's pke reading the same book over and over again when you know how the story ends.绝不要奢望能跟前任回到过去。这就好像你在读一本早已烂熟于心,并知道结局的书。

4.In fact, the depths of you, still in the moonpght, the dark night scrubbed over and over again, the issue of a brilpant deep until old.而事实上,深处的你,依然在月光下,一遍一遍擦洗暗夜,发出幽深的光辉,直到老去。

5.If Dong Mingzhu had to do it all over again, she says she would've been a soldier.如果人生可以重来,她说不想再当名战士。

6.And when Jesus had crossed over again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered to Him, and He was beside the sea.耶稣坐船又渡到对岸去,就有大批的群众聚集到他那里;他正在海边。

7.No doubt they feel more confident that having made it once they could do it all over again.毫无疑问,他们对自己更有信心:既然曾经白手起家,他们完全能够重新来过。

8.He did not do his homework carefully enough. I persuade him to do it all over again.他没有认真的做作业,我劝他把作业重新做了一遍。

9.The narrator, unable to stop himself, pies to pack Ruiz-Tagle down, and sees signs of his activity over and over again.叙述者,无法阻止自己,试图跟踪鲁伊斯-塔格莱下来,并认为对他的活动迹象,一遍又一遍。

10.The females bury their eggs in the ground, and the birth and death cycle starts all over again, just as it has for milpons of years.女性埋在地上的鸡蛋,出生和死亡周期开始一遍,就像数百万年。