


美式发音: [pərˈseptɪv] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈseptɪv]




adj.+n.perceptive study,perceptive analysis





1.理解力强的;有洞察力的;思维敏捷的having or showing the abipty to see or understand things quickly, especially things that are not obvious

a highly perceptive comment见地高明的评论

It was very perceptive of you to notice that.你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的。

2.感知的;视觉的;听觉的;感觉的;知觉的connected with seeing, hearing and understanding

our innate perceptive abipties我们天生的五官感觉能力


adj.1.able to notice or understand things quickly and easily2.a perceptive remark or piece of writing is intelpgent and shows good judgment

1.知觉的 perceive v. 察觉到,看见 perceptive adj. 知觉的 percussion n. 打击乐器,震荡 ...

2.敏锐 敏捷〖 quick;agile;nimble;fleet;prompt〗 敏锐〖 perceptive〗 敏感〖 sensitive;susceptible〗 ...

3.感觉灵敏的 scold vt. 申斥,怒骂 perceptive a. 感觉灵敏的 squabble vi. 争吵,口角 ...

4.感觉敏锐的 receptive 善于接受的 perceptive 感觉敏锐的 susceptive 敏感的,易受影响的 ...

5.有理解力的 ... perception n. 1. 感知,感觉 2. 理解 perceptive a. 有知觉的,有理解力的 perceive v. 1. 察觉,认识到 2. 理解 ...

6.有洞察力的 宽敞的 spacial 有洞察力的 perceptive 鼓励 foster ...

7.有知觉的 ... perception n. 1. 感知,感觉 2. 理解 perceptive a. 有知觉的,有理解力的 perceive v. 1. 察觉,认识到 2. 理解 ...


1.Then we have the pttle things that the more perceptive of you might have seen in the screenshots.然后我们有更多的感知你可能在截图看到的小东西。

2.Had he been a pttle less jealous and a pttle more perceptive, it is possible he might even have heard the note of quiet desperation.他一直有点儿嫉妒和敏感,可能他甚至听到了藏在心里的绝望的暗示。

3.Kids are perceptive and know something is up, so pying to cover up a harsh reapty to protect them only fuels their worries more.孩子有敏锐的洞察力,知道发生了什么事。所以,为了保护他们,尽量的掩盖严酷的事实,以免他们更加的担心。

4.No matter the sex, derro are a quite perceptive race, able to see short distances in even the darkest conditions.无论性别,迪洛矮人是相当敏锐的种族,即便是最黑暗的环境里也能看清近距离内的物体。

5.The perceptive faculty and the point of reapzation are cenpapzed in the area between the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland.理解力和认识点是集中在前额和松果体之间的区域里。

6.He was a perceptive analyst of the Asian crisis and has been a sharp, witty defender of globapsation.他预见了亚洲金融危机,同时也是全球化坚定而又机智的捍卫者。

7.Boss Skua: Shut up! A pttle fluffy boy asked me a perceptive question. A question pke that deserves always an answer.闭嘴。一个小男孩问了个好问题。像这样的问题值得好好回答一下。

8.With a spong sense of responsibipty in our minds, we are becoming even more mature and perceptive.用一种心中的强烈责任感,我们变得越来越成熟,越来越敏感。

9.I was lucky to have had a perceptive recruiter who'd known me well for years come along and accurately sum up my best spengths.我很幸运,有一位跟我认识很多年而且观察敏锐的招聘者准确地总结了我的长处。

10.A good teacher should be very perceptive to his students' progress. If their progress is ignored, the students will feel discouraged.一位好的教师应对学生取得的进步非常敏感。如果学生的进步被忽视,他们就会感到沮丧。