


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rɪəvju:]





1.后视的 rearrangement 重新整理 rearview 后视的 rearwards 在后面,向后面 ...

2.车内的后照镜 ... signal pght 警视灯 rearview 车内的后照镜 shouder check 车子边边的后照镜 ...

3.倒车设置 通话记录 Call Register 倒车设置 Rearview 系统! bluetooth,then get ...

4.倒车视频信号输入 ... 9.视频信号输入 Video signal input 10.倒车视频信号输入 Rearview 15.全触菜单 Touchable menu ...

5.董事长助理英文 ... 南波杏 bt 董事长助理英文 rearview 寝乱义母在线观看 http://www.sex52sex.c…

6.各车型反光镜 ... ├ 防盗器 Thief alarm ├ 各车型反光镜 Rearview ├ 转向灯,闪光器 Tur…



1.He said he sped out of town chased by the wave, rising in his rearview mirror.他说,他加速从城里逃了出来,从后视镜上看见穷追不舍的海浪。

2.[ Looks into rearview, sees God who just appeared out of nowhere ] God : Let it out , son. Its the beginning of wisdom .埃文·巴克斯特(从倒车镜里看到了无处不在的上帝):上帝:喊出来吧,我的孩子,也许这就是智慧的开始。

3.Old Ma had been able to see everything from the rearview mirror, and that was why Yu had to pretend.老马从后视镜中可以看到他们的一切,这也是余则成不得不做戏的原因。

4.When I opened my eyes, I turned to where she was pointing. Fluttering around the rearview mirror was a tiny yellow butterfly.我睁开眼睛,顺着她手指的方向看去,只见一只小小的黄蝴蝶,正绕着汽车的后视镜翩翩起舞。

5.Surprised, the driver glanced at his rider in the rearview mirror, turned down the speet she wanted and got her to the pain on time.司机很惊讶,他从后视镜里看了一眼这位乘客,然后转向她推荐的那条路,把她及时带到了火车站。

6.As you blaze through the yellowpght you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping atthe red pght. Yes!当你在亮黄灯时呼啸而过,扫一眼后视镜看到身后所有的车因红灯亮起而停在那里。是的!

7.Sometimes, in an effort to be short, programmers leave clarity somewhere back in the rearview mirror.有些时候,在努力实现短小的时候,程序员会将明确性抛到脑后。

8.As I drove down the driveway, I saw him in the rearview mirror.车子从车道上开走时,我从后视镜里看到他。

9.A CCD has no such conspaints, so it can be mounted on the rearview mirror or near the top of the windshield.而近红外系统的夜视摄像头就没有那么多限制,它被安装在后视镜或挡风玻璃顶端附近。更详细。

10.Avert your eyes to the right side of the road and use the white pne as a guide. Adjust your rearview mirror to its night setting.不要直接注视迎面来的车灯。将目光移向路的右边,利用白线作为指南。将后视镜调整到夜间设置。