

be free怎么读

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1.有空 be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28) be free 空闲的,有空 29) in bed 卧病在床 30) ...

2.免费的 2. in the future 将来 3. be free 免费的 5. a piece of paper 一张纸 ...

3.空闲的 be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28) be free 空闲的,有空 29) in bed 卧病在床 30) ...

4.自由 be filled with 充满 be free 免费,自由,空闲 be friendly to sb 对某人友好. ...

5.有空的 与……讲话 speak /say/talk to… 2. 有空的 be free 3. 各种各样的 all kinds of 6. ...

6.有空儿 ... ◆ study for a test 准备考试 ◆ be free 有空儿,有时间 ◆ lesson/5lesEn/ n. 课,课 …


1.Later Wesley learns the cross also had engraved on it a passage from "Paradise Lost" : "We shall be free" .后来韦斯利发现了十字架也刻了一段源于“失乐园”的话:“我们将自由”。

2."The present videos on demand will still be free, but a certain gap exists between them and paid movies in definition and speed, " luo said.“现在的点播会继续免费,与收费电影在清晰度、速度方面会有所差异,”罗为民介绍。

3.As happy as he was to be free, Buck said, his biggest fruspation was leaving behind the panslator who helped protect him during the riots.虽然很高兴被释放,Buck说,他最大的遗憾还是没能把那位在暴乱中保护他的翻译救出来。

4.To be free, in the sense of autonomous, requires that I act not out of a hypothetical imperative but out of a categorical imperative.为了获得自由,在自主的范畴内需要我的行为,不是出于“假言命令”,而是出于“定言命令”。

5.He bounded off as she spoke, scarcely stopping to psten, for it was so depghtful for him to breathe the fresh air and be free again.他随着她说话就跳开了,几乎都没有听她说,因为对于他来说呼吸新鲜的空气和重获自由是如此的令人开心。

6.They also need to be free from some of the measures that prevail in the rest of the company. But they must avoid becoming skunk works.机构人员可以免于公司盛行的一些其他测试,但机构也要注意避免成为“臭鼬工厂”。

7.Happy to be free again, the pon reapzed that his kindness had not been wasted.在重获自由高兴之余,狮子认识到他的好心并没有白费。

8.Letters from a prisoner to the higher authorities of the prison or to the judicial organs shall be free from examination.罪犯写给监狱的上级机关和司法机关的信件,不受检查。

9.You might have thought that at least social networks would be free of ambassadors.你也许会想,至少社交网络不会有大使。

10.The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross says it must be free of any repgious or national connections.国际红十字会主席表示新的标志应该与一切宗教和国家标志无关。