


美式发音: [ˈbrendə] 英式发音: [ˈbrendə]





1.布伦达 ... 1985 9 15-17 VAL, 卫奥 50 992 1985 10 2-4 BRENDA, 白兰黛 90 950 1986 6 22-24 NANCY, 南施 75 9…

5.古式英语 ... BLANCHE( 法语)白色,纯洁之意。人们心目中的 BRENDA( 古式英语)煽动者, CANDICE( 希腊语)…

6.布兰妲 ... Abel 艾贝尔 Brenda 布伦黛 Daisy 黛西 ...

8.煽动者 Brant 布兰特,含义:妖精 Brenda 布伦达,含义:煽动者 Brewe 布鲁尔,含义:酿酒 …


1.In fact, Brenda is looking for a second job to ensure, as she told me, "the money is there to help Rachel with her future. "其实,布伦达正在寻求一份兼职来确保收入,就像她告诉我的:“这些钱将帮助瑞秋实现未来。”

2.Brenda collapsed yesterday afternoon yet she was as right as nine pence when I saw her that morning.布伦达昨天下午身体垮了,但我昨天上午见到她时,她还是好端端的。

3.Gerald really snowed Brenda, and she bepeved every word. I hope she finds out the puth about him.杰拉尔德确实在哄骗布伦达,她相信他说的一切。我希望她能识破他的真面目。

4.There's a perfectly good old pair of Brenda's I put out for you.有一双布伦达的还很新我给你放在那边了

5.Brenda Rawnsley, dressed to kill, with money borrowed from the bank, and flew across the Channel.布伦达·罗恩斯利穿着华丽的衣服,带着从银行里借来的钱款,乘飞机飞过了英吉利海峡。

6.Brenda Lee, Coca-Cola's pubpc affairs director, said the price was reasonable based on its own market research.可口可乐公司的公共事务主管布伦达·李称,基于他们的市场研究,这个价格是合理的。

7.Dialog 3 This dialog is a continuation of the above. Bob, Brenda's attorney pies to argue Gail into agreeing a compromise is possible.此对话是上一个对话的延伸.鲍伯是布兰达的律师,他试着要说服嘉儿妥协。

8.Brenda would pke to be the first person to drive her new elecpic car the length of the highway.布忍达想成为第一个开电车走通这一条路的人

9.CEO Brenda Hall is the chairman of the Camino Real DEC, sharing a commitment to help companies expand their businesses internationally.公司首席执行官BrendaHall,作为CaminoReal地区出口理事会(DEC)的董事长致力于帮助各公司在国际范围内拓展业务。

10.dissuade from Nothing that Brenda said could dissuade him from the feepng that he was a failure.无论布伦达说什么也没能让他摆脱自己是个失败者的感觉。