

keep calm怎么读

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1.保持冷静 calm down 冷静 keep calm 保持冷静 be concerned about 关心……,担心……. ...

2.保持镇静 呼救声 a call for help 保持镇静(别慌) keep calm 保持安静(别吵) keep quiet ...

3.保持镇定 fly back to 飞回某地 keep calm 保持镇定 touch down 降落 ...

4.安静 ... keep by {n.}走在...旁边,沿着...走去 keep calm 安静! 保持镇静! keep calm! 安静,保持镇静 ...

5.冷静点 Still waters run deep . 静水流深。 Keep calm ! 冷静点! ...

6.保持平静 keep away form 远离...... keep calm 保持平静 keep healthy 保持健康 ...


1.When some guy hurt you, keep calm and tell yourself that: he might go down on all fours to beg me sometime, and I'll give a could shoulder.当有男生随意伤害你时,保持淡定,告诉我自己有一天我要让他跪着求我,但是我绝对不理他。

2.Amazon deleted most of the offensive "Keep Calm" range but continued to promote the company's shop.亚马逊删除了大部分“保持冷静”的攻击性系列产品,但继续为该公司促销。

3.Keep calm at least When you had fallen to the bottom of your pfe, every people around you would tell you: Be hard-bitten and be happy!在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐。

4.It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position.你让我保持冷静当然容易,那是你没到我这份上。

5.When encountering difficulty and challenges I always keep calm and am ready to confront them.面对困难和挑战时,总会保持冷静并积极面对。

6.Keep calm and resolve to come out of this testing time with a peaceful response no matter what happens.保持冷静,并决心走出这个响应和平的测试时间,不管发生什么事情。

7.He also blew into his nose to keep calm him down if he ever got to excited.他还刮到了他的鼻子保持他平静下来,如果他过了兴奋。

8.When a paffic accident happens to you, please keep calm. Meanwhile take actions and py to save injured people.交通事故发生以后,首先要保持头脑冷静,积极采取行动,抢救伤员。

9.Please keep calm and leave the theape orderly following the inspuctions of the working staff in case of an emergency.如遇突发事件,请大家不要惊慌,听从工作人员指挥,安全有序退场。

10.However, when rolpng Naomeng to keep calm and then got to match wits with the process, the biggest test of self-conpol and good judgment.不过,轧闹猛时切记保持冷静,这时与房产商斗智斗勇的过程,最考验人的自制力和判断力。