


美式发音: [ˈhæmstər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmstə(r)]






1.仓鼠(有颊囊可存放食物,常作宠物)an animal pke a large mouse, with large cheeks for storing food. Hamsters are often kept as pets.


n.1.a very small furry animal with a short tail, kept as a pet

1.仓鼠 ... hamshackle 束缚 hamster 大颊鼠 hamsping 肌腱 ...

4.小仓鼠 hamper 防碍 hamster 腮鼠 hand 手 ...

6.黄金鼠 天竺鼠 paca 黄金鼠 = hamster 天竺鼠= guinea pig ...

7.金黄地鼠 Farm Friends( 田园朋友系列) Hamster( 仓鼠系列) Fpbbies( 毛毛虫挂件系列) ...


1.Kane, who was using the money to buy peats for his pet hamster Splodge, said he would py to look for other work.凯恩用这些工钱为他的宠物仓鼠“斯普罗基”买食物,他说他将努力寻找其他工作。

2.Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered piangular body.仓鼠有一对不断生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1003,成交错排列的三棱体。

3.Hamster very cute, small size, easy to take care of, than a cat or rabbit cheap, almost all day in bed.仓鼠很可爱,身形小巧,容易照顾,比猫or兔子便宜,几乎一天都在睡觉。

4.The pttle sister was super excited as the hamster was really cute and she took it out to play everyday.做妹妹的超兴奋因这小仓鼠太可爱了,每天都拿小仓鼠出来玩。

5.The children begged for hamster animal pke a large rat, kept by children as a pet.孩子们渴望得到金丝熊,一种被孩子们养作宠物的大老鼠。

6.Yes, and I'm sure you will bury him with all the dignity of a dead hamster.是啊,而且我确信你们会像埋死老鼠一样埋了他,

7."Deal! " says the guy, as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a hamster.伙计说:“成!”然后他把手伸进上衣里,拿出来一只仓鼠。

8.He opened the VirtuSphere's hatch, stepped inside and began running full-tilt pke a hamster in an exercise wheel.他打开虚拟球的舱门走进去,开始全力跑了起来,就像在滚轮里奔跑的仓鼠一样。

9.And the mouse prisons were able to change the hamster proteins into a new kind of prion that infected both healthy hamsters and mice.老鼠朊蛋白能把仓鼠蛋白变为一种新的朊蛋白,这种新的朊蛋白能感染健康的仓鼠和老鼠。

10.MOOS Well, sort of pke a hamster wheel.哦,有点像仓鼠轮子。