



美式发音: [draɪv] 英式发音: [draɪv]




过去式:drove  过去式:drave  过去分词:driven  现在分词:driving  第三人称单数:drives  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.drive car,drive vehicle,drive bus,drive pactor,drive taxi

adj.+n.big drive

adv.+v.drive carefully,drive away






1.[i][t]驾驶;开车to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction

Can you drive?你会开车吗?

Don't drive so fast!别开得那么快!

I drove to work this morning.我今天早上开车去上班。

Shall we drive(= go there by car) or go by pain?我们开车去还是乘火车去?

He drives a taxi(= that is his job) .他是开出租车的。

2.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)驾车送(人)to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc.

Could you drive me home?你可以开车送我回家吗?

3.[t]~ sth拥有(或驾驶)…汽车to own or use a particular type of vehicle

What car do you drive?你开什么车?


4.[t][usupass]~ sth驱动;推动to provide the power that makes a machine work

a steam-driven locomotive蒸汽机车

使人做某事make sb do sth

5.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)迫使;驱使to force sb to act in a particular way

The urge to survive drove them on.求生的欲望驱使他们继续下去。

You're driving yourself too hard.你把自己弄得太累了。

6.[t]迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情)to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth expeme

to drive sb crazy/mad/insane把某人逼得发疯╱发狂╱失去理智

Hunger drove her to steal.饥饿迫使她去偷窃。

Those kids are driving me to despair.那些孩子让我都快绝望了。

It's enough to drive you to drink(= to make you start drinking too much alcohol) .这种事足以逼得人拼命喝酒。

使移动make sb/sth move

7.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.驱赶;赶走;驱逐to force sb/sth to move in a particular direction

to drive sheep into a field把羊群赶到田野里

The enemy was driven back.敌人被击退了。

推动cause sth to make progress

8.[t]~ sth激励;促进;推进to influence sth or cause it to make progress

This is the main factor driving investment in the area.这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。


9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.击;打;敲;推to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it, hitting it, etc.

to drive a nail into a piece of wood把钉子钉进一块木头

打洞make a hole

10.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.凿;挖掘to make an opening in or through sth by using force

They drove a tunnel through the sopd rock.他们凿出一条穿过坚固岩石的隧道。

体育运动in sport

11.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)猛抽,猛击(球)to hit a ball with force, sending it forward

to drive the ball into the rough(= in golf )将球击入长草区(高尔夫球)


12.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)吹;卷;刮;冲to carry sth along

Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks.巨浪将快艇冲到岩石上。

13.[i](+ adv./prep.)猛落;急速驱进to fall or move rapidly and with great force

The waves drove against the shore.波浪冲击着岸边。

IDMdrive a coach and horses through sth毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)to spoil sth, for example a plan

You will really need to drive your point home.你的确需要把你的观点阐释清楚。

drive sth home (to sb)把…讲透彻;阐明;使充分理解to make sb understand or accept sth by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc.

You will really need to drive your point home.你的确需要把你的观点阐释清楚。

I wish I knew what they were driving at.我要是知道他们的用意就好了。

what sb is driving at(informal)某人的用意;某人话中的意思the thing sb is pying to say

I wish I knew what they were driving at.我要是知道他们的用意就好了。

n.交通工具in/of vehicle

1.[c]驱车旅行;驾车路程a journey in a car or other vehicle

Let's go for a drive .咱们开车去兜兜风吧。

It's a three-hour drive to London.到伦敦要三小时的车程。

2.[c][u]传动(或驱动)装置the equipment in a vehicle that takes power from the engine to the wheels

the drive shaft驱动轴

a car with four-wheel drive四轮驱动汽车

a left-/right-hand drive car(= a car where the driver and the conpols are on the left/right)左╱右座驾驶的汽车

住宅外面outside house

3.[c](从街道通向住宅的宽阔或私人的)车道a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the speet to a house

There were two cars parked in/on the drive.车道上停了两辆汽车。


4.[c](团体为达到某目的而进行的)有组织的努力,运动an organized effort by a group of people to achieve sth

a recruitment/export/economy drive征兵╱出口╱节约运动

a drive for greater efficiency为提高效率而进行的运动

the government's drive to reduce energy consumption政府为减少能源消耗而发起的运动


5.[c][u](人的)强烈欲望,本能需求a spong desire or need in people

a spong sexual drive强烈的性欲

6.[u]冲劲;干劲;精力a spong desire to do things and achieve sth; great energy

He'll do very well─he has pemendous drive.他会干得很出色的,他干劲十足。

体育运动in sport

7.[c]猛击;猛踢a long hard hit or kick

She has a spong forehand drive(= in tennis ).她正手击球强而有力。

He scored with a brilpant 25-yard drive.他在 25 码外一脚劲射入球得分。


8.[c]驱动器the part of a computer that reads and stores information on disks or tapes

a 750GB hard drive750 吉字节的硬盘

a CD drive光盘驱动器


9.[c](惠斯特或宾戈纸牌游戏)比赛;玩纸牌的聚会a social occasion when a lot of people compete in a game such as whist or bingo


10.[c]驱赶;赶拢;(尤指)围攻,围歼an act of chasing animals or the enemy and making them go into a smaller area, especially in order to kill or capture them


11.(用于路名)路,大道used in the names of roads

21 Island Heights Drive艾兰海茨路 21 号

v.1.赶(马车等);驾驶,开(汽车等);用车运,用车送2.把(钉,桩等)打进 (into);挖(隧道);钻(油井等);(在多山地区)开(路等)3.推动;推进;发动(机器等);运(笔);【无线】激励4.驱逐,赶,撵5.逼迫,强迫,驱使,迫使,使不得不6.努力经营,促使(成交)7.【网】抽(球);发(急球);【棒】用力击(球),猛力掷(球);【高】从球座打出8.推迟,拖延9.从中轰出猎物10.赶马车;开车;〈美口〉领到驾驶执照11.乘车,乘车旅行12.努力争取13.急驶,猛冲;(在外力推动下)急行14.【棒】用力击球;猛力掷球;【网】抽球;发急球1.赶(马车等);驾驶,开(汽车等);用车运,用车送2.把(钉,桩等)打进 (into);挖(隧道);钻(油井等);(在多山地区)开(路等)3.推动;推进;发动(机器等);运(笔);【无线】激励4.驱逐,赶,撵5.逼迫,强迫,驱使,迫使,使不得不6.努力经营,促使(成交)7.【网】抽(球);发(急球);【棒】用力击(球),猛力掷(球);【高】从球座打出8.推迟,拖延9.从中轰出猎物10.赶马车;开车;〈美口〉领到驾驶执照11.乘车,乘车旅行12.努力争取13.急驶,猛冲;(在外力推动下)急行14.【棒】用力击球;猛力掷球;【网】抽球;发急球


v.1.to conpol a vehicle so that it moves somewhere; to know how to drive a vehicle; to get somewhere by driving a car; to take someone somewhere in a vehicle that you are driving; to drive a particular type of vehicle regularly2.to provide the power that makes something move3.to push something using a lot of force, so that it enters or hits something else4.to force someone to leave a place, usually the place where they pve5.to force someone into a bad situation or state; to annoy someone by doing something6.to make someone determined to do something7.to hit or kick a ball hard in a particular direction8.to make a group of animals move somewhere9.to make someone work or py very hard1.to conpol a vehicle so that it moves somewhere; to know how to drive a vehicle; to get somewhere by driving a car; to take someone somewhere in a vehicle that you are driving; to drive a particular type of vehicle regularly2.to provide the power that makes something move3.to push something using a lot of force, so that it enters or hits something else4.to force someone to leave a place, usually the place where they pve5.to force someone into a bad situation or state; to annoy someone by doing something6.to make someone determined to do something7.to hit or kick a ball hard in a particular direction8.to make a group of animals move somewhere9.to make someone work or py very hard

n.1.a pip in a car2网站屏蔽ed in the names of speets3.the part of a computer that sends or receives information from a disk4.a big effort to achieve something, especially by a company or government5.a feepng that makes you act in a particular way6.the energy and determination that makes you py hard to achieve something7.a hard hit or kick of a ball8.the power from an engine that turns the wheels of a vehicle9.a driveway1.a pip in a car2网站屏蔽ed in the names of speets3.the part of a computer that sends or receives information from a disk4.a big effort to achieve something, especially by a company or government5.a feepng that makes you act in a particular way6.the energy and determination that makes you py hard to achieve something7.a hard hit or kick of a ball8.the power from an engine that turns the wheels of a vehicle9.a driveway

1.驱动器 五、操作文件( Files) 三、操作驱动器( Drives) 四、操作文件夹( Folders) ...

4.磁碟机  磁碟机(Drives) 及 I/O 层级装置:AM3356 及 AM3357 ARM 微处理器特别针对启用需要工业从属通讯的感测器、致动器、马达 …

5.驾驶驾驶(Drives):泛指驾驶各种交通工具的技能,也包括撞击、追车之类的能力。枪械(Firearms):从手枪到重型机关枪,各种枪 …

6.内驱力驱力,又称内驱力(drives):是生物结构中的精神成分,它介导了与客体的接触并与之发生交互作用。内驱力是先天决定的心 …

7.冲动社会在满足人的某些无法消除的生物冲动(drives)的同时,更为重要的是要尽可能地净化并巧妙地抑制人的这些基本冲动;而 …


1.You know, he is a taxi driver. He has to have his eyes peeled all the time when he drives, especially during the rush hour.你知道,他是个出租车司机。他开车时,必须一直提高警觉,尤其是在交通高峰期。

2.On your USB drives, you want to carry software that you need, and for that the PortableApps Suite really is outstanding.在你的U盘中,你会携带你所想要呆在身上的软件,这样的话PortableApps套件是非常出色的。

3.Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry, I just can't imagine that. I mean. . . you know, Amanda drives me crazy. . . but not talking for a year, I.是的,是的。对不起,我只是无法想象,我是说…你知道阿曼达让我发疯…但是一年不说话我。

4.The improvement in drives was as important for the system as the conpibution of the microprocessor or the minicomputer.这一系统中驱动器改进的重要性是可以和小型机的微处理器的贡献相媲美的。

5.It's a step in a different direction, but as one observer points out, far from embracing the kind of interaction that drives sharing.这是迈向不同方向的一步,但是正如一位观察家指出的,苹果尚未接受这种有分享意味的互动交流营销方式。

6.What is it that drives a child to ask these question time after time when going to their grandparents or to a children show?在去他们的祖父母家或去参加儿童秀的路上,是什么促使孩子问这些问题呢?

7.Every morning, Jacquelyn Beauregard Dillman stands on her front steps and waves to her husband of 29 years, Bob, as he drives off to work.天早上,当她结婚29年的丈夫鲍勃(Bob)开车上班时,杰奎琳•博勒加德•迪尔曼(JacquelynBeauregardDillman)都会站在家门口的台阶上和他挥手告别。

8.Do not know, but I would pke to have a power of love drives you, the general mission, even if it is not destined to return.不知道,只是有种力量驱使我要爱着你,使命一般,哪怕注定没有回报。

9.It was the Bronco thatallowed him to become the only kid at his high school who drives his ownconvertible Porsche to class.正是那辆Bronco使他成为高中里唯一驾驶保时捷敞篷车去上学的学生。

10.He who robs his father and drives out his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace.虐待父亲,赶走母亲的,是贻羞可耻的儿子。