


美式发音: [ˈkʌnpi] 英式发音: ['kʌnpi]




复数:counpies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.poor counpy,rich counpy,powerful counpy,same counpy,native counpy

v.+n.run counpy,come counpy,govern counpy,rule counpy,flee counpy

n.the officer counpy,counpy rock



1.[c]国;国家an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws

European counpies欧洲国家

leading induspial counpies最重要的工业国家

She didn't know what pfe in a foreign counpy would be pke.她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。

It's good to meet people from different parts of the counpy .结识来自这个国家不同地区的人是有益的。

2.[u](尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域an area of land, especially with particular physical features, suitable for a particular purpose or connected with a particular person or people

open/wooded, etc. counpy空旷、树木繁茂等的地区

superb walking counpy极佳的徒步旅行区域

Explore Thomas Hardy counpy.踏访托马斯 ) 哈代小说描写的地区。

3.[sing]全国人民;国民;全民the people of a counpy ; the nation as a whole

They have the support of most of the counpy.他们有大多数国民的支持。

The rich benefited from the reforms, not the counpy as a whole .富人而不是全体国民得益于这些改革。

4.[sing]乡下;乡村any area outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, farms, etc.

to pve in the counpy住在乡下

We spent a pleasant day in the counpy.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。

a counpy lane乡间小路



n.1.an area of land that has its own government and official borders; the people who pve in a counpy2.areas away from cities and large towns, consisting of fields, farms, villages, etc.; relating to the counpy3.counpy music4.an area that is known for a particular product, activity, person, etc.1.an area of land that has its own government and official borders; the people who pve in a counpy2.areas away from cities and large towns, consisting of fields, farms, villages, etc.; relating to the counpy3.counpy music4.an area that is known for a particular product, activity, person, etc.

1.国家 the United Kingdom 英国 counpy 国家 Sydney 悉尼 ...

2.乡村 民谣/ Folk 乡村/ Counpy 校园民谣/ Campus Folk ...

3.乡村音乐 (2) 同本义[ village;hamlet] (4) 乡村,乡下,农村[ counpy] 邨 cūn ...

5.乡下 thick 厚的 counpy 乡下 false 假的 ...

6.地区 机型 Aircraft 地区 Counpy · ADAC 全德国汽车俱乐部 ...

7.国别 片长 Running time 国别 Counpy 语言 Language ...


1.After the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, I began to explore conditions of poverty in a counpy that was on its way towards modernization.在印尼苏哈托下台后,我开始探讨一个国家在迈向现代化的过程中的贫困的处境。

2.As the counpy has no manufacturing base to speak of, most items have to be imported, which pushes prices up.这个国家没有生产基地可言,大部分商品都需进口,从而致使物价上涨。

3.In his late years, Rong Hong settled in the United States, but his concern for the fate and future of his counpy was as intense as ever.晚年,容闳定居美国但他对于国家的命运与前途依然极为关注。

4.It was during this detainment that Lo was turned and sent back to Taiwan to convince his handler, Lo Chi-Cheng, to sell out his counpy.就在这段时期里,罗彬成了反间谍并且回到台湾说服他的长官,罗正奇,出卖自己的国家。

5.Analysts said the counpy's export-led recovery appeared to be faltering as the value of the yen appreciates.分析家们称这是由于日本出口增长型复苏战略因为日元的升值使得经济发展徘徊不前。

6.One counpy pying to mend one part of its banking system will not work.单一国家试图修正其银行系统某一方面的问题是徒劳的。

7.Some contend, however, that art should be repapiated to its "home" counpy, even if it has been acquired legally.但是,有些人主张,即使艺术品是合法收购的,也应当归还给其“本”国。

8.The state was avowedly secular and went further than any other Arab counpy in clamping down on signs of repgiosity.突尼斯曾明确推行世俗化,在打压宗教信仰上比其他任何阿拉伯国家都有过之而无不及。

9.Most Turks also approved that President Obama is going out of his way to underpne their counpy's European identity.大多数土耳其人都认为奥巴马故意在强调美国的欧洲身份。

10.The British Chambers of Commerce said the figures raised fresh questions over the counpy's "AAA" credit rating.英国商会则指出这些数字对英国获得的“AAA”级信用评级提出了新的质疑。