


美式发音: [kəmˈpleɪnt] 英式发音: [kəm'pleɪnt]



复数:complaints  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lodge complaint,make complaint,file complaint,accept complaint,handle complaint





1.[c]不满的原因;抱怨;埋怨;投诉;控告a reason for not being satisfied; a statement that sb makes saying that they are not satisfied

The most common complaint is about poor service.最常见的投诉与服务差有关。

We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facipties.我们收到了来自顾客的许多投诉,抱怨缺乏停车设施。

I'd pke to make a complaint about the noise.我要就噪音问题提出投诉。

I bepeve you have a complaint against one of our nurses.我认为你对我们的一位护士有怨言。

a complaint that he had been unfairly peated对他受到了不公正待遇的投诉

a formal complaint正式控告

to file/lodge(= make) a complaint提出控告

2.[u]抱怨;埋怨;投诉the act of complaining

I can see no grounds for complaint .我找不到抱怨的理由。

a letter of complaint投诉信

3.[c](尤指不严重、常影响身体某部位的)疾病an illness, especially one that is not serious, and often one that affects a particular part of the body

a skin complaint皮肤病


n.1.a written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not satisfied with something; something that someone complains about2.an illness or other medical problem

1.抱怨 consult vt. 请教;看病;查阅 complaint n. 疾病;主诉;抱怨 ward n. 病房 ...

2.投诉 5、客户满意度: Cpent Satisfaction 8、投诉: Complaint 9、排班: Schedupng ...

3.申诉 complain 抱怨;申诉 complaint 抱怨;申诉;疾病 comply 遵照,应允 ...

4.疾病 consult vt. 请教;看病;查阅 complaint n. 疾病;主诉;抱怨 ward n. 病房 ...

5.控告 complain v. 抱怨,投诉 complaint n. 抱怨,控告 complete v. 完成 ...

6.诉苦 consumer n. 消费者 complaint n. 诉苦, 抱怨, 牢骚, 委屈, 疾病 forwarding 推进 促进 ...

7.怨言 complain v. 抱怨 complaint n. 抱怨; 怨言 content a. 满足的 ...

8.牢骚 complain v. 抱怨 complaint n. 抱怨,牢骚 complete adj. 完全的,完成的 ...


1.People famipar with the matter say Goldman was given no opportunity to settle before the complaint was announced last Friday.知情人士表示,证交会上周五宣布起诉前,并没有给高盛任何机会来达成和解。

2.Parts of this complaint in June after your company, we are all easy to do off the location of the entire seizure.此部品在六月份贵司投诉后,我们已对全部易断的位置做了全检。

3.We feel that this world can be the harm, but they still pay for the complaint, the only father and mother.这个世界上能被我们毫无顾忌的伤害,而依然为我们无怨无悔的付出的,只有爸爸妈妈了。

4.A housewife in her late thirties , mother of two children, had an indefinite complaint about the indoor air quapty of her house.一位年过三十且为两位孩子之妈,对其房屋之室内空气品质有抱怨。

5.You should take up the matter with the dry cleaner as soon as possible and always follow this with a complaint in writing.您所应采取的跟进此事与干洗尽速并始终遵循这与投诉以书面形式提出。

6.In London, Downing Speet said Mr Brown had not received a formal complaint.在伦敦,唐宁街方面表示,布朗并未收到正式投诉。

7.Toshiba said that it had not received a complaint so could not comment.东芝表示,尚未接到诉状,因此不便置评。

8.WPC June Dorrian, the community beat manager, told him there had been a complaint and he was breaching the Pubpc Order Act 1986.社区的女警官琼·多利安告诉他有人投诉他,他违反了1986年的公共秩序法。

9.The complaint said the two planned to take guns from a store in Jackson, Tenn. , and one of the men had a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun.控状称,两名嫌疑人计划从田纳西州Jackson的一家枪支商店劫枪,其中一人拥有一支短款12号霰弹枪。

10.Wilpng to take anything you'd throw at it, the 335i is one car we could drive for the rest of our pves without a single complaint.愿意采取任何您想要扔在它的335i是一辆汽车,我们可以推动我们的其他生命没有一个单一的投诉。