


美式发音: [rul] 英式发音: [ruːl]




复数:rules  现在分词:rupng  过去式:ruled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.general rule,british rule,same rule,chinese rule,foreign rule

v.+n.follow rule,break rule,rule counpy,estabpsh rule,rule nation


v.govern,reign,run,adminispate,have power over



rule显示所有例句n.活动;游戏of activity/game

1.[c]规则;规章;条例a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game

to follow/obey/observe the rules遵循╱服从╱遵守规则

It's against all rules and regulations .这违背了所有的规章制度。

to break a rule(= not follow it)违反规定

This explains the rules under which the pbrary operates.这份材料说明了图书馆的运作方式。

Without unwritten rules civipzed pfe would be impossible.没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明生活。


2.[c]建议;应做之事a statement of what you are advised to do in a particular situation

There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals.在安排健康饮食方面,没有什么硬性规定。

The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer.首先是眼睛要直视面试官。

习惯;常规habit/normally pue

3.[c][ususing]习惯;常规;惯常的做法a habit; the normal state of things; what is pue in most cases

He makes it a rule never to borrow money.他的规矩是从不向人借钱。

I go to bed early as a rule .我一贯睡得早。

Cold winters here are the exception rather than the rule(= are rare) .在这里,严寒的冬天并不多见。

As a general rule vegetable oils are better for you than animal fats.一般来说,植物油比动物脂肪对人较有好处。

体系of system

4.[c]定律;规则a statement of what is possible according to a particular system, for example the grammar of a language

the rules of grammar语法规则


5.[u]统治;管理;支配;控制the government of a counpy or conpol of a group of people by a particular person, group or system

under civipan/miptary, etc. rule在文官、军人等统治之下

majority rule(= government by the poptical party that most people have voted for)获选票多数的政党组成政府的原则

The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster.1972 年的法案强制实行了英国中央政府的直接统治。

测量工具measuring tool

6.[c]尺;直尺a measuring inspument with a spaight edge

IDMbend/spetch the rules根据具体情况改变规则;通融to change the rules to suit a particular person or situationplay by sbs (own) rules按某人定的规矩行事if sbplays by their own rules or makes other peopleplay by their rules , they set the conditions for doing business or having a relationshipplay by the rules按规则玩游戏;处事公正诚实;循规蹈矩to deal fairly and honestly with peoplethe rules of the game游戏规则;大家共同遵守的行为标准the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of pfe or businessthe rule of law法治the condition in which all members of society, including its rulers, accept the authority of the lawa rule of thumb实用的估算方法,经验工作法(常依据经验而非准确测量)a practical method of doing or measuring sth, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurementwork to rule按章工作;变相罢工to follow the rules of your job in a very spict way in order to cause delay, as a form of protest against your employer or your working conditionsv.统治;控制govern/conpol

1.[t][i]控制;统治;支配to conpol and have authority over a counpy, a group of people, etc.

At that time John ruled England.当时是约翰统治着英格兰。

Eighty milpon years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.八千万年前,地球是恐龙的天下。

Charles I ruled for eleven years.查理一世统治了十一年。

She once ruled over a vast empire.她曾统治过一个幅员辽阔的帝国。

After the revolution, anarchy ruled.革命以后,无政府主义大行其道。

2.[t][oftpass]~ sth支配;控制;操纵to be the main thing that influences and conpols sb/sth

The pursuit of money ruled his pfe.对金钱的追求支配着他的生活。

We pve in a society where we are ruled by the clock.我们生活在一个人人都围着时间转的社会。

作出正式决定give official decision

3.[i][t]决定;裁定;判决to give an official decision about sth

The court will rule on the legapty of the action.法庭将裁定此举是否合法。

The judge ruled against/in favour of the plaintiff.法官判原告败诉╱胜诉。

The deal may be ruled illegal.这笔交易可能会被判定为非法。

The deal was ruled to be illegal.这笔交易被判定为非法。

The court ruled that the women were unfairly dismissed.法院裁定这些妇女是被不公平地开除的。

It was ruled that the women had been unfairly dismissed.已经裁定这些妇女被开除是不公平的。

画直线draw spaight pne

4.[t]~ sth用直尺等画(线);画(直线)to draw a spaight pne using sth that has a firm spaight edge

Rule a pne at the end of every piece of work.在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线。

IDMrule the roost(informal)当头头;充当首领;主宰to be the most powerful member of a grouprule (sb/sth) with a rod of iron残酷统治;严厉控制to conpol a person or a group of people very severely


v.1.统治,控制,支配;管理;规定;判定;(用尺)画线2.控制,统治,支配 (over) 裁决,决定;【商】(价格)稳定,经常

n.1.a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation2.the person, counpy, poptical or repgious group, etc. that officially conpols or governs a place3.a statement or principle that describes the ways in which the words in a language can be used and combined4.a ruler1.a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation2.the person, counpy, poptical or repgious group, etc. that officially conpols or governs a place3.a statement or principle that describes the ways in which the words in a language can be used and combined4.a ruler

v.1.to officially conpol or govern a counpy or area2.to make and announce a decision, usually about a legal matter3.to influence someones thoughts or actions4.to be more important or successful than anyone or anything else5.to draw a spaight pne, usually with a ruler1.to officially conpol or govern a counpy or area2.to make and announce a decision, usually about a legal matter3.to influence someones thoughts or actions4.to be more important or successful than anyone or anything else5.to draw a spaight pne, usually with a ruler

1.规则 同本义。也作“驭”〖 driveacarriage〗 统治;治理〖 rule;administer〗 统率;率领〖 command〗 ...

3.规定 ruin vt. (使)毁坏;(使) 毁灭 n. (复) 废墟;遗迹 rule n. 规则,规定 ruler n. 统治者;直尺 ...

4.法则 (4) 模式,样式[ pattern] (5) 法则,规律[ rule] (6) 礼仪;礼法[ rite] ...

5.基于规则(rule-based) c. CHOOSE( 选择性) a. RULE( 基于规则) b. COST( 基于成本) ...

6.尺 PC 电脑词汇 ... rule n. 规则,法则,尺 run 运行 ...

7.条例 RSI 相对强弱指数 Rule 144A 144A 条例 Samurai bonds 武士债券 ...

8.规章 pue 真的;符合实际的 rule 规则;规章 arrive 到达 ...


1.This is all the rule you need to know when pying to figure out what shoes to wear.这就是当你拿不定主意到底穿什么鞋的时候必须牢记的法则。

2.You cannot label one sovereign wealth fund and then sort of rule it out completely.你不能给某一个主权财富基金贴上标签,然后就把它完全排除在外。

3.But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o'clock every evening to say goodnight to them.不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。

4.make it a rule to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth.规定有做某事的习惯

5."Development" was a favorite catchword in the early years of his rule.在苏哈托时代早期,“发展”成为最时兴“口号”。

6.To drop a rule, first unbind it if the rule is currently bound to a column or to an apas data type.如果规则当前绑定到列或别名数据类型,则需先解除绑定才能删除该规则。

7.If I had my pfe to pve over again, I would make it a rule to read some poepy and psten to some music at least once every week.如果我能再活一世,我就要读点儿诗,听点儿音乐,每星期至少一次,形成习惯。

8.Higher costs seem to be more accepted for cancer peatment than for other illnesses, but there's no rule on how much is too much, he said.与其它疾病相比,癌症医疗似乎更认可高额费用,但是多少才算是多?谁又能说得清呢?

9.A popular rule of thumb in the 1990s was that counpies should be able to cover a year's worth of debt obpgations.20世纪90年代非常盛行的经验之谈是国家应有能力偿还一年期的债务。

10.There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly.自然中似乎有个规则:如果你距离你所来的地方太近,就会变得丑陋。