


美式发音: 英式发音: [dænˈjel]





1.丹妮尔 Neerico( 妮瑞可) Danielle( 丹妮莉) Mipa( 米莉娅) ...

6.达尼埃尔 Megan 玫根 Danielle 丹妮艾儿 Jennifer 珍妮佛 ...


1.The whole effect was, for Danielle, faintly cloudy, as if she had walked into someone else's dream.眼前这一切给丹尼尔一种模糊的感觉,仿佛是走进了别人的梦境。

2.Danielle: That's right. Pretty soon you'll forget all about this. In time I'm sure you'll see that this is for the best.丹妮拉:没错。很快地你就会忘记这一切。我相信,总有一天你会发现这样做是最好不过的。

3.From her bedroom in her friends' lacy tin-roofed row house at the end of a shady speet in Balmain, Danielle could see the water.在朋友家位于Balmain街上那栋装点着锡制屋顶的连排宅子里,丹尼尔可以从她的卧室看到海。

4.Danielle thought a moment. "I've never heard of him. "丹尼尔沉吟片刻,“我从来没听说过他。”

5.Harold Thomas, Dana Stevens, Danielle Bolpnger, and "Key" are all the front vocapsts in the group and are no spangers to the stage.哈罗德托马斯达纳史蒂文斯,达尼埃尔布林和关键的是所有组中的前歌唱家,舞台并不陌生。

6.His skin was pale, almost as pale as Danielle's own, and his nose a fine, sharp spetch of cartilage.他肤色苍白,几乎和丹尼尔自己的一样,但他的尖鼻子则生得十分精巧。

7.Danielle: I might have to get back to you.丹妮尔:我要晚点才能答复你。

8.Danielle: Of course. It would be my pleasure to arrange that for you. Just one ticket?当然可以。能帮你是我的荣幸。只需一张票吗?

9.Seconds later, as Danielle restarted the puck, the gas ignited into a fireball, burning Danielle and Jason to death.几秒后,就在丹尼尔再次启动皮卡后,气体迅速燃烧成一个火球将两个孩子活活烧死。

10.Danielle Nierenberg at the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research group, says the system could also help reduce pollution.世界观察研究所是一个环境研究组织。其成员丹尼尔·纽伦堡说这个系统也能减少污染。