


美式发音: [dʒeɪ] 英式发音: [dʒeɪ]

adj.J 或 j 的;J 形的;第十的


复数:J's  复数:Js  



1.英语字母表的第 10 个字母the 10th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Jelly’ begins with (a) J/‘J’.jelly 一词以字母 j 开头。

adj.1.J 或 j 的2.J 形的3.第十的

na.1.英语字母表第十字母2.第十3.【数】与 y 轴平行的单位矢量4.J 字形物体[记号]5.J字母在语音上通常发的塞擦音6.【数】虚数1.英语字母表第十字母2.第十3.【数】与 y 轴平行的单位矢量4.J 字形物体[记号]5.J字母在语音上通常发的塞擦音6.【数】虚数

n.1.the tenth letter of the Engpsh alphabet. J is a consonant.

1.焦耳 W 瓦特 J 焦耳 库仑定律( Coulomb's law) ...

2.即 即兴表演 jíxìng biǎoyǎn 即 J í (2) 同本义[ come near to eat] ...

3.通过 应用制定标准。 通过 J2EE,Java ...

4.接着 讲话 打人 手指 接着 jīng gù hòu qí ...





1.Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J. P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do, " he told the audience.他告诉听众,贝尔斯登与JP摩根的“强迫婚姻”不是“我们安排的计划”。

2.In 1847 in Germany, Werner siemens and J. Halske founded what was to be known as siemens to manufacture and install telegraphic systems.1847年,华纳西门子和哈尔斯克在德国创立了如今被人们所熟知的西门子,其主要业务为制造和安装电信系统。

3.And it's also become a very , very valuable sort of advertising revenue for J & J as well .这俨然是一个非常,非常有效的营销方式,对强生公司也是如此。

4.One of his backbenchers Ernest Smith called for J-FLAG to be outlawed, and gave warning that gays were infilpating the popce.他的支持者欧内斯特•史密斯呼吁取缔牙买加同志论坛的合法资格,并且发出警告说,同性恋势力正在向警队渗透。

5.GEORGE PEARSON: As you know. J. K. Toys has a spong presence in Europe.乔治.皮尔森:正如你所知道的,J.K.玩具公司在欧洲具有很强的市场地位……

6.For more from J. D. Roth, check out his excellent personal finance blog, Get Rich Slowly (or subscribe to his feed).想对J.D.鲁斯有更多的了解,请访问他优秀的个人财经博客,“慢慢阅读”(或订阅)。

7.That means J. P. Morgan is a sponger company than it was just a few years ago.这使摩根大通的实力较仅仅几年前更为强大。

8.She told him Lehman would have to turn over the $5 bilpon in collateral that J. P. Morgan had asked for days earper.她告诉托鲁西说,雷曼兄弟必须提供摩根大通几天前要求的50亿美元的担保。

9.Mr. J: Now get out of that thing and help me get ready for cross-examination.现在给我从那东西里滚出来,帮我准备询问辩方证人事宜。

10.They were fun, smart and looked pke they fell out of a J. Crew catalogue.他们风趣、聪明,而且看起来像杰克鲁服饰上的模特一样。