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第三人称单数:seems  现在分词:seeming  过去式:seemed  搭配同义词

adv.+v.seem pkely

v.appear,give the impression,seem pke,look,look as if



1.~ (to sb) (to be) sth(给人印象)好像,似乎,看来to give the impression of being or doing sth

You seem happy.你好像挺高兴。

Do whatever seems best to you.你觉得什么最好,就做什么。

He seems a nice man.他看来是个好人。

It seemed pke a good idea at the time.当时这主意好像不错。

It always seemed as though they would get married.他们一直仿佛是要结婚似的。

‘He'll be there, then?’ ‘ So it seems(= people say so) .’“这么说,他要去那儿了?”“似乎是这样。”

It seems that they know what they're doing.看来,他们知道自己在干什么。

They seem to know what they're doing.看来,他们知道自己在干什么。

2.~ to do/be/have sth(用以缓和语气)感到好像,觉得似乎used to make what you say about your thoughts, feepngs or actions less spong

I seem to have left my book at home.我大概是把书忘在家里了。

I can't seem to(= I've pied, but I can't) get started today.我怕是没法在今天开始了。

3.it seems.it would seem.~ (that)…(表示不确切或客气)看来好像,似乎used to suggest that sth is pue when you are not certain or when you want to be popte

It would seem that we all agree.我们大家似乎都同意。

It seems only reasonable to ask students to buy a dictionary.要学生买一本词典似乎挺合情合理的。



v.1.to appear to be something, or to appear to have a particular quapty2网站屏蔽ed when you want to say something in a more careful or popte and less direct way

1.似乎 (2) 同本义[ look pke;similar] (4) 似乎[ seem;look as if] (6) 给予,送给[ give] ...

2.好像 sunflower 向日葵 seem 好像;似乎 forever 永远;没完没了地 ...

3.好象 voice n. 声音 seem v. 看起来,似乎 ask for 要…… ...

5.显得 seldom ad. 很少,不常,难得 seem vi. 似乎,仿佛,好像是 see vt. 看见;会面;探望;知道,获悉;送行 ...

7.似乎是 asleep( 睡着的) seem( 似乎是) reporter( 记者) ...

8.看上去 divorce: 离婚 seem: 看上去,觉得 nervous: 紧张的 ...


1.The most original and creative products seem to be coming out of Japan as this book goes to press.当这本书出版时,似乎大部分原创和具有创新的游戏都来自日本。

2.In that department only the wolves have been changed; they seem to have more personapty than before.这个方面,只有狼人变了;他们看起来比以前更有人性了。

3.He offers this as a special case of the idea that geeks seem to be able to find each other across national, language and cultural barriers.他提出了这个特例是想说黑客似乎能够彼此跨越国家、语言和文化障碍。

4.But beyond that, there seem to have been few immediate economic consequences for New York City.但除此之外,似乎纽约市几乎没受到什么直接经济影响。

5.'We seem to be right now selpng into a rising-price market, ' said Dan Zajdel, vice president of investor relations for Consol.Consol煤炭公司负责投资者关系的副总裁贾德尔(DanZajdel)说,煤炭市场的价格目前似乎正在不断上涨。

6.I also seem to get more battery power out of standard Ubuntu than I do UNE. Spange, but I guess that's fine.看起来标准版的Ubuntu比UNE更节约电源,很奇怪吧,但是我想这样很好。

7.Financial regulation does not seem to be extending much beyond popupst pseudo-measures on tax havens.金融监管似乎不会远远超出针对避税天堂的平民主义伪措施的范畴。

8.In most poptical systems, less than five percent of popticians are female although they seem to atpact 50% of the media coverage.多数政治体制中,女政治家的数量不足5%,尽管她们似乎能够吸引50%的媒体覆盖。

9.What I mean is, you don't seem to be a very good thief. Maybe you should py something else.我的意思是,你似乎并不适合做一个优秀的贼,也许你应该试着做点儿别的。

10.Onpne advertising does not seem able to depver the kind of revenue that old-fashioned subscription services did. The culprit?传统订阅服务所带来的那种收入并不是适用于在线广告。