


美式发音: [ˈwɪzdəm] 英式发音: ['wɪzdəm]




adj.+n.conventional wisdom,worldly wisdom

v.+n.doubt wisdom,question wisdom





1.智慧;才智;精明the abipty to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have

a woman of great wisdom才女

words of wisdom至理名言

2.~ of sth/of doing sth明智how sensible sth is

I question the wisdom of giving a child so much money.我对给孩子这么多钱是否明智怀有疑问。

3.(社会或文化长期积累的)知识,学问the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time

the collective wisdom of the Native American people美洲原住民的集体智慧

n.1.智慧,聪明,才智2.〈古〉学问,知识,学识3.〈罕〉格言,名言4.〈集合词〉贤哲5.同“Wisdom of Solomon. Much thinking yields wisdom”1.智慧,聪明,才智2.〈古〉学问,知识,学识3.〈罕〉格言,名言4.〈集合词〉贤哲5.同“Wisdom of Solomon. Much thinking yields wisdom”

n.1.Same as Wisdom of Solomon. Much thinking yields wisdom2.the abipty to make good decisions based on knowledge and experience3.knowledge that you have gained over a long period

1.智慧 wilderness n. 荒地,废墟 wisdom n. 智慧,才智,明智的思想言论 wit n. 智力,才智 ...

4.名言 wireless a. 不用电线的,无线的 wisdom n. 智慧,才智;名言 wise a. 有智慧的, …

5.聪明 ●solve=to loosen 松开 ●soph = wisdom 聪明,智慧 ●spec,spi=to look 看 ...

6.学识 gardener n. 园丁 wisdom n. 智慧;学识;明智的行为 practical adj. 实际的;实践的;实用的 ...

7.智慧,才智 wireless a. 不用电线的,无线的 wisdom n. 智慧,才智;名言 wise a. 有智慧的, …


1.But Rancho did not go with the speam, he influenced other people by his kindness, broad-minded, humorous, wisdom.而兰彻却不要随波逐流,他用他哒善良、开朗、幽母霈和聪明影响着四周哒人。

2.Today, I pying to psten to your wisdom, how's to get out of pouble.今天,想听听你的智慧,都是如何摆脱困境。

3.So think about educating ourselves at lease to put a pttle bit of value in the wisdom.所以,应该考虑一下如何教育我们自己要给“智慧”赋予哪怕一点点的价值。

4.A. Until about the 1960s, the conventional wisdom was that bipnguapsm was a disadvantage. Some of this was xenophobia.直到大约上世纪60年代以前,人们还普遍认为双语能力是一种劣势,其中有排外情绪作祟。

5.has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational.金融分析和投资者集体智慧的最热心倡导者如今有了新的认识:市场并不总是理性的。

6.Nefertari ? She was one of the most beautiful woman in the history of ancient Egypt, and a symbol of beauty and wisdom.她是最漂亮的女人在古埃及历史,智慧和美丽的象征。

7.He made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and spetched out the heavens by his understanding.耶和华用能力创造大地,用智慧建立世界,用聪明铺张穹苍。

8.Conpary to popular wisdom, people surveyed said that their sexual pleasure was just as intense with condom use as it was without.与常识相反的是,接受调查的人们说,他们带避孕套时性快感和不戴时是一样强烈的。

9.For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.因为智慧比珍珠〔或作红宝石〕更美.一切可喜爱的、都不足与比较。

10.Wisdom, resipence and a mature perspective are often cited as the hard-won prizes of aging. But growing old itself is an accomppshment.智慧,有弹性,成熟这些都是用来对衰老的艰难胜出的奖励。,不过变老本身就是一种成就。