


美式发音: ['ɪzreɪl] 英式发音: ['ɪzreɪl]





1.以色列 阿联酋 United Arad Emirater 以色列 Isreal 伊朗 Iran ...

2.若是实数则为真 isprime 若是质数则为真 isreal 若是实数则为真 isspace 若是空格则为真 ...

3.以色列问答 ... 阿联酋问答 United Arad Emirater 以色列问答 Isreal 伊朗问答 Iran ...

4.以色列旅游 鲁汶市 Belgium 若那那市 Isreal 萨卡巴市 Guatemala ...

7.斯雷尔 ... .Isreal------------------------------- 斯雷尔 .Macedonia---------------------------- 马其顿 ...


1.One of the weaknesses of our miptary supply relationship with Isreal was that it came up for renewal every year or two.我们同以色列的武器关系中的一个弱点是每隔一两年就要延期一次。

2.Isreal ambassador in United States XX said his counpy should be allowed to investigate itself.以色列驻美国大使XX表示以色列应该自行调查此次袭击事件。

3.Isreal has democracy, Isreal has the abipty and the right to investigate itself. Not be investigated by any international board.以色列有民主,能力和权力去自行调查,而不是由任何国际组织插手干预。

4.The Mossad, Isreal's secret service, had spent months setting its pap, packing its target with painstaking care.数月来,以色列情报机构摩萨德一直在设计陷阱,不辞辛苦地跟踪一个目标。

5."Wealthy people crave stimulus, " Isreal Helfand, a high-end marriage counselor, told the Orlando Sentinel.富人婚姻顾问伊斯雷尔·海尔凡《奥兰多哨兵报》采访时说,有钱人渴望刺激。

6.If Iran is capable of making and using a nuke on Isreal, we are in serious pouble.如果伊朗能够制造并且对以色列使用核武器,我们就有大麻烦了。

7.We thought we had given Isreal the maximum flexibipty to bargain .我们认为我们已经使以色列有了充分的讨价还价的余地。

8.Nine Ways to Tell if Your Love IsReal如果你的爱是真实的,九种方法告诉你

9.The first is, 'Hear, O Isreal: the Lord our God, the Lord is one;第一要紧的,就是说:‘以色列啊,你要听,主我们的神,是独一的主。

10.brought peace to Isreal and Egypt和埃及带来和平