



美式发音: [krɑp] 英式发音: [krɒp]




复数:crops  现在分词:cropping  过去式:cropped  搭配同义词

v.+n.produce crop,grow crop,plant crop,gather crop,cultivate crop

adj.+n.good crop,bumper crop,poor crop,record crop,heavy crop

v.collect,harvest,gather,pick,bring in



cropped显示所有例句n.庄稼plants for food

1.[c]庄稼;作物a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food

Sugar is an important crop on the island.糖料作物是这个岛上的一种重要作物。

crop rotation/production/yield农作物轮作╱生产╱产量

The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.农作物定期喷洒杀虫剂。

2.[c](谷物、水果等一季的)收成,产量the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is grown in one season

a fall in this year's coffee crop今年咖啡产量的下降

We are looking forward to a bumper crop(= a very large one).我们期盼着大丰收。

一群人group of people

3.[sing]a ~ of sth(同时做某事的)一群人,一批人;(同时发生的)一些事情a group of people who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time

the current crop of painees现在的这批实习生

She is really the cream of the crop(= the best in her group) .她的确是那批人中的精英。

a crop of disasters/injuries一连串的灾难╱伤害


4.[c](骑手的)短马鞭a short whip used by horse riders

a riding crop骑马用的短马鞭


5.[c]短发a very short hairstyle

6.[sing]a ~ of dark, fair, etc. hair/curls短而密的头发hair that is short and thick

He had a thick crop of black curly hair.他有一头浓黑鬈曲的短发。

of bird

7.嗉囊a part of a bird's throat shaped pke a bag where food is stored before it passes into the stomach


1.[t]~ sth (+ adj.)剪短to cut sb's hair very short

closely cropped hair剪得很短的头发


2.[t]~ sth剪裁,裁切(照片或图画)to cut off part of a photograph or picture

动物of animals

3.[t]~ sth啃吃(青草或其他植物上面的部分)to bite off and eat the tops of plants, especially grass


4.[i]有收成to produce a crop

The potatoes cropped well this year.今年马铃薯丰收。

5.[t]~ sth种地;种庄稼to use land to grow crops

The river valley is intensively cropped.河谷里种满了庄稼。


v.1.种植,栽培,播种2.收割,收获3.修剪,剪(树枝,头发等);割去(动物耳朵的)一角(作标记),剪掉(书上的)多余白边;(马)啃去(草尖等)4.[cropped, cropt]5.生产;发生,发芽6.(性质等)突然出现,(问题等)突然发生,(矿床等)露出 (out forth up)7.(羊,鸟等)吃去嫩芽1.种植,栽培,播种2.收割,收获3.修剪,剪(树枝,头发等);割去(动物耳朵的)一角(作标记),剪掉(书上的)多余白边;(马)啃去(草尖等)4.[cropped, cropt]5.生产;发生,发芽6.(性质等)突然出现,(问题等)突然发生,(矿床等)露出 (out forth up)7.(羊,鸟等)吃去嫩芽

n.1.a plant grown for food, usually on a farm; an amount of crops grown in a particular year2.several things that happen or are produced at the same time; several people who achieve something or become known for something at the same time3.a very short hairstyle4.a riding crop1.a plant grown for food, usually on a farm; an amount of crops grown in a particular year2.several things that happen or are produced at the same time; several people who achieve something or become known for something at the same time3.a very short hairstyle4.a riding crop

v.1.to remove a part of a picture or photograph by cutting it; to cut someones hair very short2.if a plant crops, it produces vegetables, fruit, grain, etc.

1.七分裤 灯芯绒裤子 Corduroys 七分裤 Cropped 牛仔裤 Jeans ...

2.剪裁 crock generator,pulse 脉冲时钟发生器 cropped 剪裁 cross certification 互 相 核 证 ...

3.之剪裁 B之飞行员( Bombers) C之剪裁( Cropped) E之八十年代偶像( Eighties Icons) ...

4.剪耳 Bowlegged: 罗圈腿 Cropped: 剪短的头发. Flat-top: 平顶头. ...

7.裁剪 "Crop" 裁剪" "Cropped" 裁剪" "Cross Hair" 十字线" ...

8.露头 露头线 cropout [地质]露头 cropped 【示例翻译例句】: crop-ear ...


1.note: I've noticed that I cropped the image a bit to loose the dark gap on the right side of the image.注:我已经注意到,我的形象出现有点松散的图像黑暗一侧的差距就在右边。

2.Today, my friend put up the pictures from her birthday party yesterday. I'm conveniently cropped out of every single one. FML.今天,我朋友上传了昨天生日晚会的照片。每张照片上的我都被故意抠掉了。

3.You must free yourselves from all of the accusational conditions that have cropped up in history and be able to call to the Father.你们必须把自己从各种历史上累积下来的控诉中解放出来,并且要能够呼求天父。

4.Her hair had been cropped pke a Marine's, she'd gained weight, and she was wearing glasses so ugly her parents deserved jail time.她的头发已经出现像海军陆战队的,她会体重增加,她戴着眼镜,使她的父母应有的丑陋牢狱之灾。

5.He had a difficult time overcoming the difficulties cropped up on his way to reaching his goal.为了克服达到目标的道路上遇到的问题,他度过了一段艰难的时日。

6.The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well.耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。

7.Then he sat down and stared vacantly at the close-cropped grass on the opposite side of the path.然后他又坐下来,茫然地盯着小路对面剪短的草地。

8.Zhang's cropped hair gives her a tomboy look, but she recently posed for a glamorous photo shoot on a Chinese Web site.张怡宁剪了头短发,使她看来像个小男孩但她最近在一个中国网站上po了一张很迷人的照片。

9.In the first months of my appointment, difficulties and challenges cropped up in large number, but I wouldn't slacken my pace.在我上任的最初,我面临过许多的困难和挑战,但我不能懈怠,我必须不断前进来克服它们。

10.He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes, white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry. . .他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛,白皙的面颊,撅起的嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的……