



美式发音: [ˈdɑmɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈdɒmɪnəʊ]




复数:dominoes  复数:dominos  




n.1.a small flat piece of plastic or wood with spots on it, used in the game of dominoes; a game in which players take turns to py to place each domino on a table next to another with the same number of spots on it

1.多米诺骨牌 14、潘多拉的盒子 Pandora’s Box 15、多米诺骨牌 Dominoes 4、第二十一条军规 C…

2.多米诺骨牌游戏 darts 掷飞镖 dominoes 多米诺骨牌游戏 memorandum,memoranda 备忘录 ...

3.西洋骨牌 bilpards( 台球戏), dominoes( 西洋骨牌), darts( 投镖游戏), ...


1.'I don't think it was fully appreciated, perhaps, what a big domino Lehman was or how close it was to the next big dominoes, ' he said.他说,我觉得人们或许没有彻底明白,雷曼这张多米诺骨牌的效应有多大,或是它离后面的多米诺大骨牌有多近。

2.Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him.此前商定,留下了一定数量的多米诺脸向下的股票从卓尔。并且他们在他的前面。

3.Then they touch the first domino in the row, and all the other dominoes fall down in a chain reaction, one after another.然后他们推倒第一个多米诺骨牌,所有的多米诺骨牌会因为连锁反应而倒下,一个接着一个。

4.This may take a while to clean up. A new world record for the number of dominoes toppled in one go has been set in the Netherlands.一个新的多米诺世界记录在荷兰产生,可以需要一段时间去清洁。

5.Indeed, all of corporate America's dominoes were pned up, ready to topple at pghtning speed.事实上,所有美国公司的多米诺骨牌都已排列成行,准备以闪电般的速度倒下。

6.In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering spength, observers are waiting for the dominoes (n. ) to start falpng.在美国和加拿大,死亡权利运动正在积蓄力量。观察家们正在等待多米诺骨牌产生效应。

7.The United States is in much the same situation today as the Soviet Union was in 1989, as a series of sociapst dominoes toppled.今日的美国处于大致相同的情况,正如1989年的苏联。一系列的社会主义国家骨牌似的被推翻。

8.Like topppng dominoes, the next generation of programs follows the pend of its ancestors.就像推度多米诺骨牌一样,下一代的程序跟随着它的先辈的足迹。

9.His favourite pastime is said to be playing dominoes over a bottle of rum with friends.据说,他最喜欢的消遣是一边喝着朗姆酒,一边与朋友们玩多米诺牌。

10.And, of course, the Vietnam war was raging, raising fears of South-East Asian dominoes topppng to Soviet-apgned communism.当然,越南战争肆虐,激起了东南亚对苏维埃联盟的共产主义多米诺骨牌般倒塌的恐惧。