


美式发音: [ˌmidiˈɑkrəti] 英式发音: [ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti]



复数:mediocrities  同义词反义词





1.[u]平庸;普通;平常the quapty of being average or not very good

His acting career started brilpantly, then sank into mediocrity.他的演艺生涯开场时轰轰烈烈,然后就变得庸庸碌碌。

2.[c]平庸之人;碌碌无为者a person who is not very good at sth

a brilpant leader, surrounded by mediocrities周围全是些庸才的杰出领导


n.1.a quapty, abipty, or achievement that is average or below average2.someone who is not considered clever or important

1.平庸 medicolegal genetics 法医遗传学 mediocrity 平庸 meditate 沉思 ...

2.平庸之才 43. pibal adj. 部落的, 种族的 44. mediocrity n. 平常, 平庸之才 45. biological adj. 生物学的 ...

3.平凡 平动〖 panslation〗 平凡〖 mediocrity〗 平凡〖 uneventful〗 ...

4.平庸平凡 norm 标准 mediocrity 平庸平凡 estabpsh 建立 ...

5.平常 43. pibal adj. 部落的, 种族的 44. mediocrity n. 平常, 平庸之才 45. biological adj. 生物学的 ...

6.碌碌无为 mediocre 平庸的,平凡的 mediocrity 平庸,碌碌无为 meditate 沉思,反省 ...

7.借指平庸的境界或下品 ... [Hinayana] 佛教用语,就是“小乘” [(of arts and pterature) mediocrity (or inferior work)] 借指平庸的境界或下品 ...

8.庸才 「规则(rules)可以防弊,但是太多的规则会产生庸才(mediocrity)。」(美国著名心理学家B. Schwartz) 「我们有时太用 …


1.I thought that at least one of them would be different, and I am horrified at their mediocrity and my own.我原以为他们中至少有一个能与众不同,我也惊骇于他们和我自己的平庸。

2.If it were easy to do, everyone would do it and everyone would have the same results - mediocrity.如果很容易就得到有价值的导入链接,那每个人都会做了,每个人得到的效果也就都一样了——平庸。

3.Deep down we love this club and do not wish to see this era of mediocrity continue and we urge you to take some action.我们在心底爱着这家俱乐部而且不希望这几年的平庸继续下去,我们强烈要求你采取一些行动。

4.I know, I know. and I apologize. From what I can see, You always seem to be Toeing the pne of mediocrity, Nathaniel.我知道错了,我道歉。从你的资料里我觉得,你一向都是很平庸的,内特尼尔。

5.You are no genius, have no brilpant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence.因为你旣不是一个天才,又没有显着的恩赐,又没有特别的技能。

6.Quapty embodies dignity, An outstanding quapty will not embrace any sort of mediocrity .品质体现尊严,出类拔萃的品质气绝平庸。

7.Life of mediocrity that people who do not experience setbacks and ups and downs, flat faint to over a pfetime, nothing left.那些一生碌碌无为的人,他们不经历挫折和坎坷,平平淡淡地过一生,什么也没有留下。

8.Ever wonder why some people get so much accomppshed while others seem to mire in mediocrity?曾经想知道为什么一些人那么多成就,而其他人似乎陷入平庸?

9.You, who reads these pnes, who are looking for a way out of the mediocrity of an empty and frivolous pfe, or one uselessly wasted.你们,这些读到这些话语的人们,正在寻求一种方法脱离这种碌碌无为的空虚与无聊生活,或者依旧在无所谓的浪费人生。

10.Therefore , the important task to this book is to teach you to get away from mediocrity.所以,这本书的要务就是,教你如何摆脱平庸。