


美式发音: [ˈʃrɪv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃrɪv(ə)l]



过去式:shrivelled  过去式:shriveled  现在分词:shrivelpng  现在分词:shrivepng  第三人称单数:shrivels  同义词反义词


v.shrink,wither,dry up,conpact,curl up



1.(使)枯萎,干枯,皱缩to become or make sth dry and wrinkled as a result of heat, cold or being old

The leaves on the plant had shrivelled up from lack of water.因为缺水,植物的叶子已经枯萎了。

The hot weather had shrivelled the grapes in every vineyard.天气炎热,各家葡萄园的葡萄都蔫了。


v.1.if something such as a plant shrivels or shrivels up, it becomes smaller and thinner than usual and it does not look fresh and healthy; to make something smaller and thinner than usual2.to become weaker or smaller in amount; to make something weaker or smaller in amount

1.枯萎 unravel 解开,拆散 shrivel (使)皱缩,干涸,枯萎 hovel 茅舍,肮脏的小屋 ...

2.皱缩 unravel 解开,拆散 shrivel (使)皱缩,干涸,枯萎 hovel 茅舍,肮脏的小屋 ...

3.萎缩 狐臭 body odor from the 萎缩,绉纹 shrivel,wrinkled 收缩,缩成一团 shrink ...

4.束手无策 ... dull 阴暗的 迟钝的 Shrivel 褶皱 束手无策 Trembled 颤抖 ...

5.皱纹 中文:皱纹加工 ripple finish 中文:皱纹[纸张],褶子 shrivel 中文:皱皮革 crushed leather ...

6.枯萎凋零 shrink 缩小 shrivel 起皱纹 shrub 灌木 ...


1.Of course, managers have to be able to say yes too, otherwise their organisations would shrivel up and die.当然,经理也必须能说“是”,否则他们的组织将枯萎死亡。

2.Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance . It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.不管是你得到的或是你欠别人的,可你的财产、名誉和权势也都会变成和你毫不相干的东西。

3.Were he now to back away from his UN bid, his clout among his own people would shrivel.倘若他现在在他的联合国入联申请中有所退缩,那么他对自身民众的影响力就会大打折扣。

4.The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat.那张纸在高温下开始起皱卷曲。

5.Lack of vitamin A causes membranes around the organs to shrivel, leaving them vulnerable.缺少维生素A导致器官周围的膜萎缩,使它们不堪一击。

6.The bank predicts that the GDP of Malaysia and Cambodia will shrink by 1% and Thailand's economy will shrivel by 2. 7%.世行预计,马来西亚和柬埔寨将萎缩1%,而泰国将达2.

7.Knowing that cpmate change could shrivel their harvests, wine growers can plan ahead, but planting for the future can be a gamble.知道气候变化会减少他们收成的葡萄酒种植户们得以谋事在前,但为未来种植是场赌博。

8.If an organ is somehow severed from its body, it will shrivel and die. It cannot exist on its own, and neither can you.假如一个器官与身体分离,就会萎缩死去,绝无法单独存在;你也是这样。

9.As house prices plunge and savings shrivel, divorcing couples are fighting over a shrinking cake.随着房价跳水、积蓄萎缩,离婚夫妇现在争夺的蛋糕正在变小。

10.If you stay in that bathtub any longer, you'll shrivel up into a prune.如果你再呆在水里,你要皱成一个干果了。