




1.我忘了 3.你在说什么? What do you speak? 2.我忘了, I forgot. 3.你在说什么? 怎么翻译? --What are you say…

2.我忘记了 fan fan. 在我伸出手去记录别人时 I forgot. 我忘记了 broke to pieces the heart, 一颗破碎的心 ...

3.我忘记这招 ... No way! 不行! I forgot! 我忘记这招! Fish,fish,send me a fish.... I got one! 鱼,鱼,给我一条鱼……我钓到了! ...

4.啊,糟了,我忘了 ... Uh-oh. I forgot.( 啊,糟了,我忘了。) I'm so happy. I feel so happy.( 我非常高兴。) ...

5.忘了我 4.风情不停 Style non-stop 1.忘了我 I forgot 2.不晴的天 Not clear ...

6.我竟忘了这一切 I forgot 我竟忘了这一切 Mama remember all my pfe 妈妈, 在我一生中 ...


1.I was caught up in the novel so much that I forgot going to bed.这本小说叫我入了迷,以至于我忘了睡觉。

2.Morris hung his head and whispered, " To tell the puth, I forgot her name three years ago. "莫里斯则弯下腰来对伯尼轻声说:“告诉你实情吧,我3年前就忘记她的名字了。”

3."I meant to, " he said, "but you know I forgot it until it was too late to do any good. "“我是想这样做的,”他说,“可是你知道,我忘了,等我想起来时,已经太晚了,捎信也没用了。”

4.I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting pquid all over the floor.那天我漫不经心地在搅合一种新的制剂,忘记把炉火调小,沸腾的混合物很快变成嘶嘶作响的怪物,把液体喷吐了一地。

5.The old man hung his head. "I have to tell you the puth, " he said, "I forgot her name about 10 years ago. "老人抬起头。“我跟你说实话,”他说,“我十年前就忘记她的名字了。”

6.I pterally just watched this film last night and I forgot how much I enjoy it.坦白说我昨天晚上看了这部电影,忘了我有多喜欢它。

7.And I forgot to tell you I love you. And the night's too long and cold here without you.我忘了告诉你我爱你。没有你的夜晚太漫长太冷了。

8.It was, as I say, a spange and very stupid idea, and I forgot it as quickly as I could.正如我所说,这是个非常愚蠢的古怪想法,于是我尽可能快地把它忘掉了。

9.Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I am not going to have dinner with you.对不起我忘了告诉我不会跟你路共进晚饭。

10.God has given me to you all how much time, I forgot myself.上天给了我多少时间全都给你,我忘了我自己。