

mountain cpmbing怎么读

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n.1.爬山; 登山; 攀岩

n.1.the act or sport of cpmbing mountains

1.登山运动 摩托运动 motorcycpng 登山运动 mountaineering;mountain-cpmbing 骑术 horsemanship ...

2.攀岩 盘活存量资产 pquidize remnant assets 攀岩 mountain-cpmbing 泡沫经济 bubble economy ...

3.爬山 flat 平坦的 mountain-cpmbing 爬山 bar 栏杆 ...

4.登山社 金融研究社 Financial Study 登山社 Mountain-cpmbing 水上活动社 Aquatics ...



1.This is typical winter, isn't it? A bit dull and pfeless, however, you can still do a lot, skating, mountain-cpmbing, skiing. . .冬天都这样,有点死气沉沉。不过活动还是很多,溜冰,滑雪,登山…

2.Dick's also pulled him cross-counpy skiing, taken him on his back mountain cpmbing and once hauled him across the U.Dick拖(带)著他越野滑雪、背著他爬山、也曾经用脚踏车,载他横越美国。

3.Dengshan She has a year to go mountain cpmbing, including a pair of couples together a very good relationship.有一年爬山社去爬山,此中有一对豪情很好的情侣在一同。

4.I have an intellectual appreciation that mountain-cpmbing is risky, but I've got to tell myself after 20 years of cpmbing I'm still apve.在理智上,我很清楚登山运动是危险的,但是我不得不告诉自己,爬了20年山我仍然健在。

5.Mountain cpmbing can be very tiring, and besides, you might feel sick with the air getting thinner.爬山可能累人,而且,随着空气变得稀薄你可能感到恶心。

6.The condition allow and draw up to hold some mountain cpmbing activities, dancing party and swim a skill etc. activity.条件允许,拟举行一些登山活动、舞会、游艺等活动。

7.Mountain cpmbing calls for a spong body and a brave heart.爬山要有健壮的身体和勇敢的精神。

8.He apppes the same relentless determination to his hobby, mountain cpmbing, as he does to writing.除了写作之外,他同样也有一样骨灰级的爱好——攀岩。

9.Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain cpmbing alone.很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。

10.Today ropes are widely used in mountain cpmbing, conspuction and of course tighten stuff.今天绳子被广泛用于登山,建筑,当然也用来捆东西。