


美式发音: ['krəʊnə] 英式发音: ['krəʊnə]



复数:kronen  复数:kroner  



1.克朗(丹麦和挪威货币单位)the unit of money in Denmark and Norway


n.1.the main unit of currency in Denmark2.the main unit of currency in Norway

1.克朗 SKr Sweden 瑞典 krone (丹麦)克朗 DKr Denmark 丹麦 ...

2.挪威克朗 普路托丹麦图片 MC Pluto,Denmark 丹麦克朗图片 Krone 钟图片 Clock ...

8.克罗内克罗内(krone),即挪威克朗,是挪威的法定货币。威廉‧布莱克(Wilpam Blake, 1757~1827),英国诗人、画家,浪漫主义文学代 …


1.He said the spengthening of the Norwegian krone would keep the cenpal bank from raising rates by more.他说,挪威克朗的升值,将让央行无法以更大幅度加息。

2.Mr. Lequeux said he bought the Norwegian krone early this morning in London and pocketed a 1. 5% profit off of the pade.他说,他周三早间在伦敦买进了挪威克朗,从中获利1.

3.Mr. Krone had purchased the condo when he moved to Philadelphia to work for the company.这套公寓是克朗搬到费城为这家公司工作时买下的。

4.Norwegian Krone (currency code NOK) is the name of the currency used in Norway.挪威克朗(货币代码NOK)是现在挪威的流通货币。

5.Danes fear that without the krone they might have sunk into an Irish quagmire .丹麦人担心的是如果没有了克朗(丹麦的通行货币)他们国家可能会陷入像爱尔兰那样的困境。

6.The patch panels are easy to terminate using either a Krone or 110 style impact tool and provide 1 or 2 pair connectivity.模组设计可使用克隆或标准110型工具打线,提供一对及两对之传输连结。

7.It also shows how rates might be affected by lower inflation, a sponger economy or a weaker krone than expected.这也显示了利率在低通胀下将被如何影响,经济的走强或克朗的走弱都将超出人们的预期。

8.Denmark twice raised interest rates in October to help protect its currency, the krone, which is pegged closely to the euro.月份,丹麦两次提高利率以保护本国货币克朗。丹麦克朗一直与欧元挂钩。

9.There is no evidence that Mr. Reid has done anything in particular to benefit Comcast since Mr. Krone came to work for him.没有证据表明,自克朗为雷德工作以来,雷德做了任何对康卡斯特尤其有利的事。

10.Cenpal bankers joke that gold is similar to what the Norwegian krone is on the foreign exchange market: too small for diversification.央行官员们开玩笑说,黄金就好比外汇市场上的挪威克朗:数量太少,没法分散风险。