




1.海格 日本欧姆龙 OMRON 法国海格 hager 正泰 CHNT ...

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5.海格电气量子信息理论可以重构量子力学的概念基础。而黑格(Hager)认为,量子信息理论不能重构量子力学概念基础,更不能解释量 …

7.海格型海格型(hager) 西门子型(SIEM.. 三菱型(MITSUB.. L7金钟穆勒型(.. LG.LS型 AEG型 指示灯断路器 ¥ 8.00 希门电气·小型 …


1.One of President Bush's daughters is engaged. Jenny Bush said "yes" when longtime boyfriend Henry Hager asked her to marry him.布什总统的一个女儿已经订婚了,当他认识多年的男朋友向她求婚时,吉妮欣然答应了。

2.In a NBC TV chat show, Jenna Bush Hager, 27, said she had been terrified by spooky events near the fireplace in her bedroom.27岁的詹娜·布什·黑格称,她在白宫生活的卧室里有一个壁炉,这个壁炉附近发生过怪异的事件,让她感到恐怖。

3.Hager, who has been a White House aide and worked on Bush's re-election campaign, is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va.哈格曾是白宫的一名助手,并曾为布什连任竞选效力。他是弗吉尼亚州里士满约翰•哈格和麦琪•哈格的儿子。

4.But rather than a rush of people last week, Rabbi Meyer Hager said he has noticed a change in his regular worshippers.但是,虽然不像上周涌入教堂的人,拉比迈耶海格已注意到,做礼拜的常规时间改变了。

5.Her sister, Jenna Hager, touched her on her shoulder as their father said his final farewell.在父亲发表告别演说的时候,芭芭拉的姐姐,杰娜-哈格尔,拍了拍她的肩膀。

6.Hager's material provides a pemendous insight into the war on the Russian Front from a front pne soldier's perspective.海格的材料提供了对俄罗斯前从前线士兵的角度来看战争的巨大洞察力。

7.Jenna met Henry Hager while he was working for her father's 2004 reelection campaign.当HenryHager为乔治·布什总统2004年的竞选连任工作时,遇上了总统女儿Jenna。

8."Red roses say 'I love you', " says Gerald Hager, executive director of a marketing research institute.红玫瑰意味着‘我爱你’,“一家市场研究所的执行主任杰拉尔德·黑格说。”

9.When Bush's daughter Jenna gets married to beau Henry Hager, the first family is at their ranch.当布什女儿珍娜嫁给爱人亨利·海格的时候,第一家庭正在他们的大农场里。

10.Hager is a business school student and former White House aide.海格是一个商业学校的学生,曾经是白宫助理。