


美式发音: [əˈbaʊnd] 英式发音: [ə'baʊnd]



第三人称单数:abounds  现在分词:abounding  过去式:abounded  同义词




1.大量存在;有许多to exist in great numbers or quantities

Stories about his pavels abound.有关他游历的故事多得很。

v.1.充满,富有 (in, with)2.大量存在

v.1.to be present in large numbers or amounts2.to be filled with or contain a great deal of something

1.充满 abortive adj. 无结果的,失败的 abound v. 充满,富于 abrade v. 磨损,擦伤 ...

2.富于 abortive adj. 无结果的,失败的 abound v. 充满,富于 abrade v. 磨损,擦伤 ...

3.大量存在 abound 丰富 abound n.有很多,大量存在 abound n.丰富,充满,多 ...

4.丰富 A aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 abound 丰富 abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 ...

5.盛产 abortion n. 流产 abound v. 盛产 about prep. 大约 ...

6.富于,充满 abide v. 遵守,忍受,居留 4 abound v. 富于,充满 6 abreast ad. 并肩地,相并地,赶得上 7 ...

7.有很多 abound 丰富 abound n.有很多,大量存在 abound n.丰富,充满,多 ...


1.Since it was early, I decided to keep towards the center of the road. Deer abound in this part of town, and I had no desire to hit one.时间还很早,我决定在路中央开车,因为这一带有很多鹿,我可不想撞到一只。

2.For if these things be with you and abound, they will make you to be neither empty nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.实在,这些德行如果存在你们内,且不断增添,你们决不致于在认识我们的主耶稣基督上,成为不工作,不结果实的人。

3.In present day Engpsh new pnguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar.在当代英语中有许多新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规则的。

4.Rosy McGuinness, an autism speciapst with Loudon County Schools, said the challenges abound for students, parents, teachers, and dispicts.劳登郡公立学校的自闭症专家RosyMcGuinness说,不管是学生、家长、老师还是整个学区,都面临着诸多考验。

5.Even within this pmited definition of performance, pitfalls abound in pying to benchmark code accurately.即使在如此狭义的性能定义之下,精确地进行代码基准测试仍然有很多困难。

6.But houses left vacant for two or three years are abound, which means that the houses intended to see is not for rent.但空置两三年的房比比皆是,说明准备出卖的房是不出租的。

7."Repeat Notes" is so far the only one of its novel, Chance and necessity in the works abound, but has a very important role.《务虚笔记》是其至今唯一一部长篇小说,偶然性和必然性在作品中大量存在,而且有着非常重要的作用。

8.We opened five thousand years of Chinese civipzation, will find that to be honest and pustworthy as the fundamental story of pfe abound.翻开我们中华民族五千年的文明史,会发现,以诚实守信为做人根本的故事比比皆是。

9.Conspiracy theories abound; in missed market opportunities, as in war, puth is often the first casualty.阴谋论四起;如同在战争中一样,遇到失去的市场机遇,真相往往成为第一个伤亡者。

10.Yet misfortunes, hardships and temptations abound in pfe. Trying to stay peaceful in a world of so many noises is hard indeed.生活中真的有太多的烦恼,困难和诱惑,要想风不止我亦要静真的很难很难。