


美式发音: [məˈri] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:rɪ:]





1.玛丽 奇奇&蒂蒂 Chip&Dale 玛莉猫 Marie 宝贝迪士尼 Baby Disney ...


1.She let her hair down in "The Merry Widow" , and squeezed herself into a too-tight uniform to sing Marie in "La Fille du Regiment" .她在唱“风流寡妇”的时候不拘小节,在唱“战场上的女孩”玛丽的时候,把自己丰满的身体塞进一个紧绷的制服里。

2.Her name was now Marie, and she was now an official scientist, studying the properties of magnetism for her doctorate in physics.她的名字从那时起,改称为玛丽,成了一位攻读博士学位,研究物理学中磁性质的正式的科学家。

3.Ann-Marie Prhat of the TCO employee federation said she had been determined to share the parental leave with her husband.TCO雇员联合会的安-玛丽·普拉特表示,她会和她的丈夫共享产假。

4.Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his expeme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me.亲爱的玛丽,我向您坦白承认,虽说他十分年轻,但是他这次从军却使我感到极大的痛苦。

5.That did not seem to me much of an improvement on Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" solution.在我看来,他的建议比法国皇后玛丽•安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)的解决方案“那就让他们吃蛋糕吧”强不了多少。

6.Marie told me that she couldn't let me use her house for the next appointment because she and her lover were going out of town.Marie告诉我,下一次约会她不能让我使用她的屋子了,因为她和她的情人要出城去。

7.Marie never asked him to leave his family, and he had regarded this, too, as part of his luck.玛丽从没让他抛弃家庭,他就把她的大度也当成了他运气的一部分。

8.She pved in a small room near the college. It had no pghts, no water, and no heat, Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.她住在一个离大学很进的小阁楼里,那里没灯,没水,也没暖气,有时只吃面包和茶。

9.His wife, Marie -Ann Paulze, was an intelpgent, cultured woman with a passion for chemispy that matched here husband .他的妻子玛丽聪明而又教养,对化学的热情不亚于其夫。

10.Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions.玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。