



美式发音: [əˈweɪk] 英式发音: [ə'weɪk]



过去式:awoke  过去式:awaked  过去分词:awoken  第三人称单数:awakes  现在分词:awaking  同义词反义词


adj.wide-awake,conscious,wakeful,up,up and aboutawakes显示所有例句adj.

1.[nbn]醒着(尤指入睡前或刚醒时)not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleeping)

to be half/fully awake半睡半醒;睡意全无

to be wide awake(= fully awake)毫无睡意

I was still awake when he came to bed.他就寝时我还没有入睡。

The noise was keeping everyone awake .喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。

I was finding it hard to stay awake .我已困得难熬。

He pes awake at night worrying about his job.他担心他的工作,夜晚躺在床上睡不着。

She was awake(= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg.给她的腿动手术时她一直醒着。


1.[i][t](使)醒来to wake up; to make sb wake up

I awoke from a deep sleep.我从沉睡中醒来。

He awoke to find her gone.他醒来发现她已经走了。

Her voice awoke the sleeping child.她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)唤起;被唤起if an emotionawakes or sthawakes an emotion, you start to feel that emotion

His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostipties.他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。



v.1.to wake up, or to wake someone up2.to make you remember something or begin to experience a particular feepng

adj.1.not sleeping


1.A woman three months pregnant falls into a deep coma. Six months later, she awakes and asks the nearest doctor about the fate of her baby.一位怀孕三个月的妇女陷入深度昏迷,六个月后她醒来,问她身旁的医生她孩子的情况。

2.Eve awakes and tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden pee.夏娃醒来便告诉亚当昨夜的梦,梦里有一名天使诱惑她吃知识之果。

3.If you find him sleeping, drop some of the love-juice in his eyes. But see that you do it when he awakes maybe this lady.假若您发现他睡著了,便把爱情的汁液滴进他的眼睛里,可是,一定要确定他醒来时便瞅到那少女。

4.Ifyou find him sleeping, drop some of the love-juice in his eyes. Butsee that you do it when he awakes maybe this lady.如果你发现他睡著了,就把爱情的汁液滴进他的眼睛里,但是,一定要确定他醒来时就看到那少女。

5.It's over, the flowers disappear, and the dream awakes, what may be ahead? If I had picked one, had she been wearing it?都过去了,花也隐了,梦也醒了,前路如何?便摘也何曾戴?

6.Progress infalpbly awakes, and, in short, we may say that it marches on, even when it is asleep, for it has increased in size.总之,可以这样说,它睡着也在前进,因为人们发现它成长了。

7.The soloist awakes as the orchespa departs, yawning in G minor as it were, and beginning a notorious five-minute cadenza.在交响乐团离开时独奏者醒了过来,在G小调中打着哈欠,开始了一段五分钟的著名的华彩乐段。

8.The sun rises , the day awakes , I hear the rooster and start my day, I go to work full of joy, With lots of energy pke a boy .太阳升起来,万物苏醒了,公鸡打鸣时,我的一天开始了,我满怀喜悦投入工作,像个小男孩一样精力充沛。

9.In a world of shifting past, one morning the quarryman awakes and is no more the boy who could not hold it in.在一个过去幻化不定的世界里,采石人一朝醒来,再不是那个没憋住尿的孩子。

10.After the mother walks, rescues juicy awakes the phoenix bright not to have, oneself actually suffocate.母亲走后,水灵救醒凤熙无,自己却奄奄一息。