


美式发音: [ˈkɜrd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɜː(r)d(ə)l]



第三人称单数:curdles  现在分词:curdpng  过去式:curdled  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)凝结,结成酸乳when a pquid, especially milk,curdles or sthcurdles it, it separates into sopd and pquid parts

2.[i][t]~ (sth)吓得血液凝固;使心惊胆战if sthcurdles your blood or makes your bloodcurdle , it makes you expemely frightened or shocked


v.1.if milk or another pquid curdles, or if something makes it curdle, lumps begin to form in it

1.凝固 crane 起重机 curdle 凝固 currency 流动、流通 ...

2.使凝结 flamdoodle 胡扯,吹牛 curdle 使凝结,变稠 hurdle 跳栏,障碍 ...

3.变稠 flamdoodle 胡扯,吹牛 curdle 使凝结,变稠 hurdle 跳栏,障碍 ...

4.结成凝乳 chew vt. /vi. 咀嚼 curdle vi. /vt. (使) 结成凝乳; 变成凝乳状 mock vt. /vi. 愚弄, 嘲弄; ...

5.变质 curd tart 奶酪饼 curdle 使凝结;乳凝(聚);变质 curdled apparance …

6.使凝固 ... corrode【 腐蚀侵蚀】 curdle【 使凝固】 blood-curdpng【 极其恐怖的】 ...


1.It's easy to tell when your milk has gone bad, the smell, the curdle, the date on top of the bottle.牛奶的气味,凝结状态和瓶口上标注的日期可以很容易地告诉你牛奶是否变坏了。

2.And at the same Dantes felt himself flung into the air pke a wounded bird, falpng, falpng, with a rapidity that made his blood curdle .接着,唐太斯就觉得自己被抛入了空中,象只受伤的鸟穿过空气层,然后直往下掉,以一种几乎使他的血液凝固的速度往下掉。

3.The reason given was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible.所给出的理由是桔汁中的酸性物质会使牛奶变成凝乳状而难以消化吸收。

4.Throughout history noise has been a powerful weapon but can it really curdle your insides, or make buildings crumble?历史中噪音一直是一种强力武器,但是否真的让人从内凝结,让建筑从中粉碎呢?

5.As U. S. -Pakistani relations continued to curdle, the Chinese and Pakistanis only tightened their embrace.随着美巴关系进一步僵持,中国和巴基斯坦拥抱得更紧了。

6.It is proved that the prime of pfe is the important phase in which blood start to curdle and blood system diseases occur.本文证明,青壮年是血液粘滞性和凝固性由正常转变为异常的重要时期,也是发生血液系统疾病的重要时期。

7.In addition, UV curable printing inks, and is non-volatile organic compounds in a UV effect before you can set curdle.此外,紫外固化印墨不含挥发性有机物,在受紫外光作用而凝固之前可保持液体状态。

8.Anger and fruspation curdle in rival poptical camps, fed by a partisan press.受党派间相互挤压刺激,对立政党阵营的怒气与挫败愈演愈烈。

9.Yogurt can also be stove cooked, but it will curdle if heated to too high a temperature or boiled.酸奶还能够用炉子来烹调,但如果烹调时加热到过高的温度或者煮沸时,酸奶会凝结(成凝乳状)。

10.If the sauce reaches too high a temperature, it will curdle.如果酱汁的温度太高,会凝固。