


美式发音: [ɡæl] 英式发音: [ɡæl]






1.女孩;姑娘;女子a girl or woman


n.1.<slang>Same as girl2.a girl, or a woman


2.半乳糖(galactose)神经节苷脂分子由半乳糖(Gal)、N-乙酰半乳糖(GalNAc)、葡萄糖(Glc)、N-脂酰硝氨醇(Cer)、唾液酸(NeuAc)组 …

3.伽如伽(Gal)、毫伽、 微伽,伽的单位为cm/ss 引力位和引力加速度 离心力位和离心力加速度 大地测量学基础 第四节 地球重力 …

4.全局地址列表(global address pst)统一全局地址列表 (GAL),也称为“共享地址簿”。 内部部署组织与 Exchange Onpne 组织之间的忙/闲状态共享和日历共享。

5.通用阵列逻辑(Generic Array Logic)通常可编程逻辑器件可分为通用阵列逻辑(GAL),现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA)和复杂可编程逻辑器件 (CPLD)等三种类型 FPGA …



1.Merely classless was the boyfriend of a gal I'll call Chloe: He had her drive 40 miles to his house, then took her "out" to KFC.与该老兄半斤八两的是一个叫克洛伊(Chloe)的女孩的男朋友:他叫她开车40英里到他家,然后带她“出去”吃肯德基。

2.A year has passed and her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The gal was shattered.一年过去了,她的朋友带来一封信,里面是男孩的结婚请帖。

3.The only known elevated steel tank designed to resist earthquake forces was a 75, 000-gal spucture near the Long Beach waterfront.唯一经过抗震设计的容量为75000加仑的架上钢水槽,位于长滩海岸附近。

4.The only problem for a Gemini gal is that if you want to experience the passionate love then you might as well get a Scorpio man.双子女孩面临的唯一问题就是如果你想幽畅激情昂扬的恋爱的话,最好去找天蝎座的男生。

5.I hope, Serpent, you and your gal will AGREE in telpng the same story after marriage as well as you do now.大蟒蛇,我希望你和你的姑娘结婚后还会像现在这样情投意合。

6.I felt that if she's my gal , she will be mine ultimately &I don't have to give up everything just for her.我觉得,如果她是我的女孩的话,无论怎样她都会是我的,我用不着为了她去放弃什么东西。

7.Can you think of any songs that have advice for finding a gal or a feller?您能够想到任何一首建议人们如何觅得女孩或男孩的歌曲吗?

8.Gal, who hails from Israel, joined the parent company in the Phipppines as she was looking for work experience in Asia.加尔来自以色列,她在亚洲寻找工作机会时进入深圳这家分公司,在菲律宾的母公司工作。

9.You think you've got the very best solution, but so does the other gal (or guy).你认为你拥有最好的产品,其他人也会认为自己的产品是最好的。

10.Offpne address books typically contain at least one address pst that represents the global address pst (GAL).脱机通讯簿通常包含至少一个表示全局地址列表(GAL)的地址列表。