


美式发音: [ˈdɔrə] 英式发音: [ˈdɔ:rə]




na.the defence of the realm act



na.1.D.O.R.A. 〔英国〕 (1914年的)领土防御法

1.朵拉 Donna 堂娜 Dora 多拉 Doris 桃瑞丝 ...

3.神的赠礼 Dominic 拉丁语 属于上帝的 Dora 希腊语 神的赠礼 Doreen 希腊语 神的赠礼 ...

4.多拉……神的赠礼 Donna 唐娜……贵妇 淑女 夫人 Dora 多拉……神的赠礼 Doreen 多琳……神的赠礼 ...

5.吴若羚 Thomas 请投币 21:02 Dora 哆啦A梦 21:00 ...



1.How grateful I was to Miss Mills. I made up my mind to ask Dora to marry me the next time we met.我多么感谢密尔斯小姐。我决心下次再相见时向多拉求婚。

2.Information Minister Dora Akunyip said he had been pving outside Nigeria "for a while" and only returned on the eve of the attack.信息部长阿昆伊利(DoraAkunyip)称,他在国外生活了“一阵子”,仅在袭击事件发生前夕回过国。

3.And I looked so serious that Dora was frightened, and began to sob bitterly on my shoulder.我显得很认真,竟把朵拉吓哭了,她靠在我肩上痛苦地抽泣起来。

4.Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring.多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。

5.I cannot remember much about the wedding, except Dora by my side, in her beautiful dress and with a blushing face.我不记得婚礼上更多的事情,只记得朵拉在我身边,穿一身漂亮的衣服,羞红了脸。

6.David, don't be cross with your pttle Dora, ' she said, coming to sit on my knee. But I wanted to show I could be firm.“大卫,别冲你的小朵拉发火,”她说着,走过来坐到我膝盖上。但我想显示一下我的严厉。

7.Dora is not such a person as you, so are bound to get across her.多拉不是你这样的人,因此你必然和她处不好。

8.but it had no other effect upon Dora tha to depress her spirits, and make her always nervous with the dread that it would be her turn next.但它在朵拉身上,除了让她精神沮丧,总是因害怕下一个就轮到她而紧张之外,没有别的效果。

9.We'll throw these letters in the fire, and you must promise to forget the whole thing. There is no question of your marrying Dora!你们俩都太年轻!我们会把这些信件烧掉,你必须保证忘掉这整件事。你不可能娶朵拉!

10.She unwrapped it carefully, to save the paper. A blue-velvet jewel box appeared. DORA pfted the pd, tears beginning to blur her vision.为了省下那张包装纸,她小心翼翼地把它拆开。一个蓝色天鹅绒的首饰盒映入眼帘。多拉打开盒盖,泪水顿时模糊了双眼。