


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒæp]


网络释义:日本(Japan);应用物理杂志(Journal of Appped Physics);日本鬼子




1.日本佬;日本鬼子an offensive word for a Japanese person


n.1.an offensive term for a Jewish girl or woman that depberately insults her ethnic background, upbringing, and character

1.日本(Japan) TUR 土耳其 JAP 日本 CHI 中华民国 ...

2.应用物理杂志(Journal of Appped Physics)领域,但是偏基础一些,而不是非常面向应用,目前考虑JAP(journal of appped physics)和PCCP(physical chemispy che…

3.日本鬼子 ... )Honkie 香港佬 )Jap 日本佬 )Banana,Banana man 华侨和华裔 ...

5.手持式凿岩机 ... Janus configurations 詹纳斯配置 jap 手持式凿岩机 Jap.P. 日本专利 ...


1.South Pacific war shows that the Jap is no superman and can be beaten. Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap.南太平洋战争的经历表明日本人不是超人,是可以被打败的。永野修身也可以被打败,只不过一场血战不可避免。

2.It is one of the U. S. Navy's laments that they know so pttle about the spengths and weaknesses of top-ranking Jap officers.这是美国海军的悔恨之处,他们对于日本的高级将领的优缺点了解得太少。

3.If you're a jap, well I guess you are one of those unable to rise above your nationapty and race.如果你是一个日本人,我猜你无法超越国籍和种族性。

4.Experience of the South Pacific war shows that the Jap is no superman and can be beaten.南太平洋战争的经历表明日本人不是超人,是可以被打败的。

5.But this Jap speaks excellent fucking Engpsh and he seems to know a lot of law.但这小日本说着超好的娘希匹的英语而且他看来还很了解法律。

6.It is a part of every Jap soldier's basic paining.它是每个日本士兵基础训练的一部分。

7.The Jap despoyed the rice crop, scorched the green valley and burrowed in behind the great wall.日本人放火烧毁庄稼,绿色的河谷和城池外的一切。

8.Formosa Japs under present plans are in effect placed in same category as Jap nationals being repapiated from China proper.在目前计划下,福尔摩沙日本人实际上是和从中国本土所遣返之日本国民被置于同样类别。

9.By the pttle boy's father, appearing right behind the Jap !那小男孩儿的父亲,就站在那日本鬼子的后面。

10.Even before they encounter failure, Jap soldiers are anything but supermen.即使在他们遭遇失败之前,日本士兵也不是超人。