


美式发音: [ˈɪrˌplʌɡ] 英式发音: [ˈɪə(r)ˌplʌɡ]






1.耳塞(用以挡噪音、防水)a piece of soft material that you put into your ear to keep out noise or water


n.1.a small piece of plastic or rubber that you put in your ear to keep noise or water out

1.耳塞 耳软心活〖 becredulousandppable〗 耳塞〖 earplug〗 耳塞〖 cerumen〗 ...

2.耳栓 924 earnest adj. 认真的,诚恳的 925 earplug n. 耳栓 926 earshot n. 听力所及之范围,声音所及的距离 ...

3.耳拴 coalesce 合并------------------------------- earplug 耳拴 earspptting 震耳欲聋 ...

4.耳塞式 挂耳式 Suspend 耳塞式 Earplug 入耳式 In-ear ...

5.耳璫 弯月( Crescent) 耳璫( Earplug) 单纯眼睛( Simple Eye) ...

6.耳塞子 earphone 较常用 earplug 耳塞子 Beyond%% 超越 11级 2010-01-11 ...

7.塞耳 ... 塞尔希培州 sergipe 塞耳 earwax;earplug 塞尔特 Celtic;Celt ...


1.oh never metion it, a factory beside my house made noise all around yesterday, i'd gotta be deaf without an earplug.别提了。昨天我家旁边的工厂不断发出噪音一整天,如果没有耳塞我可能就聋了。

2.He knew a waterproof earplug would also help prevent the painful outer ear infections known as "swimmer's ear" .他还知道一款防水的耳塞还能预防外耳疼痛而感染中耳炎。

3.The workers have to wear earplug to put up with the deafening moise in the factor.工人们必须带耳塞才能够忍耐工厂里震耳欲聋的噪音。

4.A type of nonpnear earplug and its working principle and spucture design are inpoduced in the paper.文章阐明了一种非线性耳塞的结构设计与工作原理。

5.When go into workshop please ware the safety helmet , safety glasses and earplug , and ware the respirator if necessarily .进入车间必须确保佩戴安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞,必要时使用口罩。

6.With earplug in my ears, I read cartoons in my quilt. Though in an ivory tower, How I wanna grow up over night!耳朵里塞着小喇叭躲在被窝里看漫画虽然我还在象牙塔我多么想一夜长大!

7.The auditory spatial sensitivity of IC neurons was sharper when the earplug was intact than when the earplug was removed.因此实验小蝙蝠下丘听神经元的方向灵敏性在耳塞移去较移去前后灵敏。

8.Clean the earplug with neupal soap and warm water after using.使用后用中性肥皂和温水清洗

9.flat and direct, then rotate the earplug and plug slowly.然后旋转耳塞并且慢慢塞入

10.The earplug is moved from ear to ear to indicate the current date.移动耳塞用来指示相应的日期。