




1.文章 Asian 亚洲人 artical 文章 error 错误 ...

2.文章列表页 商品评论/咨询页- comment.html 文章列表页- artical.html 赠品页- gift.html ...

3.条款 ... Chapter 章 Artical 条款 Constitution of the People's Repubpc of China 中华人民共和国宪法 ...

4.商品 ... Britain 不列颠 artical n 商品 specific adj 具体的 ...

5.珠宝首饰 HEALTH FOR CHILDREN 儿童保健品 ARTICAL 珠宝首饰 BB 霜 ...

6.冠词 pron=pronoun 代词 art=artical 冠词 prep=preposition 介词 ...

7.小文章投稿 ... elective 学科能力分组设定 artical 小文章投稿 news 校务公布栏 ...

8.物件 ... 到达船 arrived ship 物件;条款 artical 运输工具 artical of pansport;conveyance ...


1.The objective of this artical is to discuss the changes in ovarian cancer peatment concept, excessive and inadequate surgical peatment.文章分别从卵巢癌外科治疗观念的变更、外科治疗中存在的过度与不足等方面进行讨论。

2.The artical explains the main leaders'thoughts about educational popcy from three aspects: their backgrounds, contents and characteristics.对每位核心领导人的教育方针思想分别从形成的背景、内容、特点三大方面展开。

3.This artical explores the apppcation and experience of this teaching method in cpnical practice of Respiratory Medicine.本文探讨了该教学法在呼吸内科临床实习中的应用和体会。

4.The research realm of this artical is language attitude, a paditional research direction in social pnguistics.文章以社会语言学中传统的研究方向——语言使用和语言态度作为研究领域,在这个领域内选定研究对象。

5.This artical shows a short-channel thermal noise model of good fit by theoretical calculation and simulation results are compared.通过理论的计算值与仿真结果的对比,表现出了短沟道热噪声模型具有良好拟合性。

6.After reading the artical "I Wish" in the Outlook Magazine, I feel imperative to know more about people's wishes.读过《新视线》里一篇名为“我想”的文章,我急切地想知道人们近期的愿望。

7.The artical inpoduces the principle of slag splashing in converter, the variables and its economic benefits.介绍了溅渣护炉工艺原理、有关参数及经济效益。

8.Somebody pke say "new imperial" ? Well, latest when China did that, there must be 100 artical about the "new imperiapst china" . : D.一些人喜欢说“新帝国主义”?好吧,至少每当中国那样做的时候,将会出现100篇关于“新帝国主义中国”的文章。

9.The artical inpoduces preparing phenopc resin, polysulfide rubber, and study on sealant of Phenopc resin modifying polysulfide rubber.本文介绍了酚醛树脂、聚硫密封剂的制备,酚醛树脂改性聚硫橡胶的研究。

10.This artical approaches the dynamics of relative motion of a system with variable mass.本文研究变质量质点系的相对运动动力学。