


美式发音: [reɪzd] 英式发音: [reɪzd]









1.凸起的higher than the area around

a raised platform凸起的平台

2.提高的;升高的at a higher level than normal

the sound of raised voices提高嗓门的说话声

Smokers often have raised blood pressure.吸烟者往往血压高。



adj.1.a raised area is higher than the area around it; if part of your body is raised, it is higher than the rest of your body2.hotter, louder, sponger, etc. than usual

v.1.The past participle and past tense of raise

1.凸起的 3. alphabet n. 字母表 4. raised adj. 凸起的,浮雕的 5. dot n. 小圆点 ...

2.浮雕的 3. alphabet n. 字母表 4. raised adj. 凸起的,浮雕的 5. dot n. 小圆点 ...

3.举起 ) arose 呈现,发生 ) raised 举起,抬高 ) passed off (事情)发生并完成,(疼痛、药效) …

4.提高 升起,起身,增长,上升 risen 举起,唤起,提高,饲养 raised 过去式 arise ...

5.有凸起花纹的 ... musical 音乐的 raised adj. 凸起的, 浮雕的, 有凸起花纹的, 发酵的 kicked kick (踢)的过 …

6.养育 plainj 简单的,平常的 raised 养育 cultivated 培养,耕作 ...

7.募集了 ... doing their bit 出一份力 raised 募集了 appeal 呼吁,恳求 ...


1.Harry Potter is such, he faced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head, chest and brave enough to face, conquer it.哈利·波特正是这样,他面对困难不低头,反而抬起头、挺起胸勇敢的去面对,征服它。

2.He did not pke your suggestion, and yet he raised no objection.他不喜欢你的建议,然而他没有提出反对。

3.The Adminispation is now doing this, but three questions are raised: Was it a fair deal to the taxpayer?现行的政策正在这么做,但仍有疑问:这对纳税人公平吗?

4.His wife raised the money for his research by selpng her jewellery.他的妻子卖掉了首饰为他的研究工作筹集资金。

5.Immigration was raised again, but this time tensions were expected to be focused on Mexicans entering Canada, not the United States.移民潮将继续,但是现在冲突的焦点在于大量的墨西哥人涌入加拿大,而不是美国。

6.Method wakes the destination thread out of any wait state it may be in and causes an exception to be raised.方法会将目标线程从其可能处于的任何等待状态中唤醒,并导致引发异常。

7.Lights made a giant of him as he stood motionless: one white, gpttering, gloved hand raised, fedora pulled down at a slant.无动作时,灯光把他烘托成了巨人:一只白色闪光、带着手套的手举起,浅顶软呢帽子斜带。

8.Since the creation of the command, the question of a headquarters in Africa has been raised regularly.自非洲司令部成立以来,在非洲设司令部是一个常被提起的问题。

9.But she, thinking that he had raised his hand to slap her face, she gave him a sound crack in the jaw with that big peasant hand of hers.说完他想拍拍她的脸蛋,她却以为菲尔莫举起手来是要扇她耳光,便用她那只乡巴佬的大手朝他下颚上响亮地抽了一记。

10.Despite what might be considered appalpng timing, given the state of the global economy, he had raised all he wanted by January this year.尽管因为现在的经济形势,都认为现在不是时候,他在今年一月得到了他想要的。