


美式发音: [ˈlɛnɪn] 英式发音: [ˈlenin]





1.列宁引者注),与其说是威尔逊(Wilson)等的功业,毋宁说是列宁(Lenin)、陀罗慈基(Trotsky)、郭冷苔(Collontay)的功 …

3.列宁被保存下来的 ... Packed meals. 盒饭 Lenin. 列宁勋章 Guns. 枪 ...

5.高斯指出列宁 ... 列宁娜 Lenina 列宁山 lenin 列宁戈里 Leningori ...



1.larinax: You know, there used to be this cartoon - bum-looking, emaciated Marx and Lenin are begging for money in the speet.你知道,过去曾有种流浪者的漫画形象,它画的是憔悴的马克思和列宁在街上乞讨。

2.Right now, the "citizens of Lenin buried, " seems to be the voice of the majority of Russians.时下,“安葬公民列宁”似乎成为大部分俄罗斯人的呼声。

3.I had decided to take up a position opposite to that of my fellow Lenin graduates.我决定要采取一个和我的列宁格勒毕业同学相反的立场。

4.She said Lenin showed many symptoms of syphips and that many among the Soviet hierarchy bepeved he had it.她说列宁的许多病症均表明他得了梅毒,许多苏联高层也这样认为。

5.Lenin used to say that 'capitapsts will sell us the ropes with which we will hang them'.列宁曾经说过“我们将会从资本家手里买来送他们上绞刑的绳索。”

6.Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities.乌里扬诺夫。列宁于1905年在芬兰第一次见到他,派他写文章去宣传政府少数派的马克思主义理论。

7.And he sees appearing in a dream his companion Lenin, who congratulates him on his good health, and on his indomitable character.他在梦中看到他的同伴列宁的出现。列宁恭贺他身体健康,及他不屈不桡的性格。

8.Displeased with her opposition, Lenin repeved her of her responsibipties and sent her to Norway as a diplomat.列宁不满意她的反对,于是解除了她的职位,并把她当作外交官派去了挪威。

9.Lenin spoke on the matter many times across the whole period.列宁在长时间内针对这一话题有过很多次的讲话。

10.She had few illusions about the Soviet regime, but she did not pke the sight of a crowd vandapsing a statue of Lenin in Grozny either.她对苏维埃政权没有任何的幻想,但是她也不喜欢在格罗兹尼破坏列宁雕像的景象。