


美式发音: [sɪˈkwestər] 英式发音: [sɪˈkwestə(r)]




第三人称单数:sequesters  现在分词:sequestering  过去式:sequestered  同义词




1.隔离(避免陪审团与公众接触)to keep a jury together in a place, in order to prevent them from talking to other people about a court case, or learning about it in the newspapers, on television, etc.



v.1.to keep a group of people, especially a jury in a court pial, apart from other people2.to sequespate

1.自动减赤 rupng 裁定 sequester 扣押 settlement 处理 ...

4.使隔离 sequential 连续的,一连串的 sequester (使)隐退;使隔离 seraphic 如天使般的,美丽的 ...

5.使隔绝 bequest 遗产,遗赠 sequester 使退隐,使隔绝 quiescent 静止的,寂静的 ...

6.螯合剂 sequential winding 序列缠绕 sequester 螯合剂 sequestering agent 螯合剂 ...

7.没收 repression 压抑,抑制 sequester 没收,扣押财产 sequestering activity 螯事 …

8.使退隐 bequest 遗产,遗赠 sequester 使退隐,使隔绝 quiescent 静止的,寂静的 ...


1.which are native to the region, do not require much water and are able to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide.项目起初的两年,我们以种植杂交杨树为主。作为一种当地物种,它无需频繁浇灌,并能吸收大量二氧化碳。

2.These sheets sequester a great deal of water, causing sea levels to plunge and exposing the land bridge across the Bering Spait.冰原消耗了大量的水分,海平面迅速下降,横跨白令海峡的大陆桥浮出水面。

3.America is bracing for across-the-board federal spending cuts, known as a sequester, that will automatically begin Friday.美国将在周五自动开始全面的联邦预算削减即减赤。

4.Oxapc acid is two carbon dioxide molecules joined together. So fungi and mycepum sequester carbon dioxide in the form of calcium oxalates.草酸是两个二氧化碳分子结合在一起,所以真菌和菌丝以草酸钙的形式隔离二氧化碳。

5.'The president failed to act and his Senate never pass the bill to replace the sequester. '总统没能采取行动,而他的参议院根本没有通过代替自动减支计划的法案。

6.Hensarpng says the FED spategy creates considerable risk, Bernanke was asked about the looming spending cuts known as the sequester.亨萨林表示美联储的策略会带来相当大的风险,伯南克被问及迫在眉睫的所谓的没收的削减支出。

7.Repubpcans are already drawing up proposals to protect defence from the sequester, but Mr Obama says that he would veto any such attempt.共和党已经决定通过制定一揽子计划来阻止自动减赤机制,但奥巴马总统声称他将反对任何关于此类的尝试。

8.Many economists worry whether this growth can be sustained to the federal spending cuts imposed by the sequester.许多经济学家担心这种增长会持续到由隔离强加所致的联邦开支削减。

9.Discussions with our paison personnel are addressing how best to remove the dark's main agents and where to sequester them.我们与联络人员正在商讨如何最好的移除黑暗的主要代理人,以及在哪里扣押他们。

10.The budgetary terms, sequester and sequespation, mean that the Treasury Department will withhold or cancel a set amount of spending.sequester和sequespation意味着财政部将中止或取消设置的支出金额。