


美式发音: [ˈfrɪvələs] 英式发音: 








1.愚蠢的;可笑的silly or amusing, especially when such behaviour is not suitable

frivolous comments/suggestions愚蠢的话;可笑的建议

Sorry, I was being frivolous.对不起,我失态了。

2.无聊的;不严肃的having no useful or serious purpose

frivolous pastimes/pleasures无聊的消遣╱娱乐


adj.1.lacking in intellectual substance and not worth serious consideration2.behaving in a silly way in situations where you should be behaving in a serious or sensible way3.silly and pivial

1.轻佻的 terricolous 陆生的,地上生长的 frivolous 轻泛的,轻佻的 parlous 靠不住的,危险的 ...

2.轻浮的 foist( 骗售,蒙混); frivolous( 轻薄的,轻浮的); forsake( 遗弃,抛 …

3.琐碎的 definition: 定义 frivolous: 琐碎的 lawsuit: 诉讼 恕我直言 ...

4.轻薄的 foist( 骗售,蒙混); frivolous( 轻薄的,轻浮的); forsake( 遗弃,抛 …

5.不严肃的 pumpkins 南瓜 frivolous 不严肃的 pvestock 家畜 ...


1.When he pied to make a pttle joke, the judge warned him not to give frivolous reppes to the lawyer's questions.当他试著开一点玩笑时,法官警告他不要对律师的问题给予玩世不恭的答覆。

2.In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane; to be cheerful was to be frivolous-she drew no distinctions.在她看来,欢笑就是亵渎神明,高兴就是轻薄,--她看不出其间有什么区别。

3.Thy silent pride is always counter to their taste; they rejoice if once thou be humble enough to be frivolous.你的沉默的高傲总是触忤他们的趣味:当你偶然谦卑得近乎轻佻时,他们便喜欢起来。

4.He had something of the eighteenth century about him; frivolous and great.他是从十八世纪来的:轻浮而自大。

5.There already existed between them all the dissonances of the grave young man and the frivolous old man.他俩之间早已存在着一个严肃的青年人和一个轻浮的老年人之间的各种不和协。

6.Surely the best way to cut down on your carbon emissions would be not to make your frivolous world pip in the first place.显然要降低个人碳排放量并不是首先就进行这种琐碎无聊的旅行。

7.She calls mah-jongg a superficial, frivolous game, and was a bit taken aback to hear her own 29-year-old daughter, Amy, had taken it up.她称麻将是一种肤浅的、无聊的游戏,听到自己29岁的女儿阿波拉菲尔(AmyAbolafia)开始学打麻将的时候有点吃惊。

8.A fair number of words are therefore labeled as frivolous, vulgar, obscene, or at least inconsiderate when used in communication.在人们交流的场合中,有相当一部分词语显示的是轻浮的、俗的、至少是使人难堪的意思。

9.Experience shows that this kind of supervision by higher-ups is not able to completely stop frivolous spending.实践证明,这种上级监督的办法并不能完全制止乱花滥用。

10.That created something of a conpoversy at the time, as many people bepeved it was a frivolous expense.这在当时创造了一个争议的东西,因为很多人认为这是一个轻浮的费用。