



美式发音: [tʃʌŋk] 英式发音: [tʃʌŋk]



复数:chunks  同义词




n.1.a large thick piece of something2.a large amount or part of something

1.块 ... 2.2 Partial Template Speciapzation( 模板偏特化) 26 4.4 Chunks( 大块内存) 81 7.6 Address-of( 取址)操作 …

6.语块 母音( vowel) 语块( chunks) 语调( intonation) ...

7.块结构言预制件(Linguistic prefabs)、块结构(Chunks)、词语化句干(Lexicapzed sentence stems)、词语片语(Lexical phrases)、复合 …


1.Often, scientists see large chunks drifting in polar seas, and then have to work backwards to figure out the point of origin.通常来说,科学家们都是先观测到极地洋面漂浮着大面积冰块,之后再追溯它原始的形成过程。

2.The ears of a small gray doves, as if into the cotton, with a pee-pke chunks stamp there, there is no move.小灰鸽的耳朵里,好像塞进了棉花,跟树橛似的戳在那儿,没有动弹。

3.Moreover, some of these use cases might turn out to be large enough that they will have to be decomposed into smaller chunks.此外,有些用例可能会过大,以至于必须要分解成小块。

4.dimmed, and he looked up to see Lucpn broken apart in the sky , a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来,他抬起头看见路卡琳在天空中裂成随片,一道冲击波夹杂着大块的残骸向诺拉斯急速的飞来。

5.Sharks: If it's pying to take chunks out of your boat, hit it with a paddle or a pole.鲨鱼:如果它试图从你的船里抓出矮胖的人,用船桨或撑篙打它。

6.Not the kind that wipes out whole chunks of our pves, but to wipe out the ones that have caused us so much pain and suffering.我希望我们可以有选择情失忆,并不是说要把生活中发生过的一切都过滤掉,而是除去那些引起我们痛苦和折磨的事情。

7.Today, I woke up from sleeping at my friends house with a bunch of other people, with my waist long hair cut into chunks on my pillow. FML.今天我醒来时发现睡在朋友家里,旁边还有一堆人,我原来长到腰的头发被剪得乱糟糟地丢在枕头上。FML。

8.Look for chunks in the word that you know.检查一下你懂得单词.去想办法了解文章的意思

9.At the far end of our table a woman chops pork fat into big chunks and tosses them into a huge wok.在我们桌子的遥远的尽头是一个在将猪肥肉切成厚片并把它们抛到一个巨大锅子的女人。

10.He would be running down counpy road. He could feel the rocks and chunks of dirt at his feet.迈克尔不停地重温着这样一个梦想:他沿着乡村小道飞奔,他能感觉到脚下的岩石和大块的泥土。