


美式发音: [hwenˈevər] 英式发音: [wenˈevə(r)]





conj.every time,each time,on every occasion,when,whensoever



1.在任何…的时候;无论何时;在任何…的情况下at any time that; on any occasion that

You can ask for help whenever you need it.你如果需要帮助随时可以提出来。

2.每当;每次every time that

Whenever she comes, she brings a friend.她每次来都带着个朋友。

The roof leaks whenever it rains.屋顶每逢下雨就漏。

We py to help whenever possible .只要有可能我们都尽量帮忙。

3.别的什么时候(也可以);任何时间(都行)used when the time when sth happens is not important

‘When do you need it by?’ ‘Saturday or Sunday. Whenever.’“你什么时候需要这个东西?”“星期六或星期日。哪一天都行。”

It's not urgent─we can do it next week or whenever.这不着急,我们可以在下星期或别的什么时候做。


1.(用于问句,表示惊奇)究竟什么时候used in questions to mean ‘when’, expressing surprise

Whenever did you find time to do all that cooking?你怎么有时间做了这么多菜?



adv.1.every time that something happens; at any time or in any situation when something may be wanted, needed, possible, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you do not care when something happens, because all times are equally convenient3网站屏蔽ed for showing that you do not know when something happened or will happen4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwhenin a question to show that you are surprised, upset, or annoyed1.every time that something happens; at any time or in any situation when something may be wanted, needed, possible, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you do not care when something happens, because all times are equally convenient3网站屏蔽ed for showing that you do not know when something happened or will happen4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwhenin a question to show that you are surprised, upset, or annoyed

1.无论何时 无论〖 nomatterwhat〗 无论何时〖 whenever〗 无论如何〖 however;rightorwrong;anyway;anyh…

2.每当 when ad. 什么时候;当…时 whenever conj. 无论何时,每当 wherever ad. 究竟在 …

3.随时 → whatever 无论…,凡是 → whenever 无论何时,随时 → wherever 无论哪里 ...

4.无论什么时候 come to be known 渐渐的被人所熟知 whenever 无论什么时候 hire 表示出租 ...

5.当你 记得 Remember 当你 Whenever 她说 She Says ...

6.任何时间 wheel n. 轮,车轮 whenever conj. 无论何时,随时;每当 whereas conj. 而,却,反之 ...

8.什么时候都行 I have lots of cash on me. 我现在很有钱。 Whenever. 什么时候都行 Any day is okay. 哪天都行 ...


1.My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me help me cheer up .我母亲有一双敏锐的、会说话的眼睛。那双眼睛能洞察我的心情,给我鼓励,促我坚强,因此我能面对一切困难。

2.Whenever the wind masterpiece, it is always the kind of indomitable spirit of its own against the wind abhorrent.每当狂风大作时,它总是以自己那种顽强的精神反抗着可恶的狂风。

3.I really went through a lot pying to prove a point, because lately I have noticed that you seem to turn cold whenever we chat.我真的经历了很多时间来证明这一点,因为最近我注意到,你似乎转冷时,我们聊天。

4.Whenever this time, the mother no longer speak, but After a while, She began unconsciously to say.每当这时,母亲就不再说话,但过一会儿,她又开始不自觉地说了。

5.It's second nature with him to check that all the pghts are switched off whenever he leaves the office.他总要检查一下所有的灯是否关掉后才离开办公室,这已成了他的习惯。

6.Whenever I am free, I keep thinking of him, I wonder if he thinks of me occasionally and how he is doing these days.每当我有空的时候,我总想到他,不知他最近过得可好,有没有偶尔想到我。

7.Mining executives say that metal consumers are pying to economise, using new alloys or moving into plastics whenever possible.矿业高管表示,金属消费者正力求节约,尽可能采用新合金材料或改用塑料。

8.We used to watch ghost movies together. He would cover my eyes or skip the parts whenever we got to the scary scenes.我们一起看鬼片,但每次一看到吓人的片段,他总是蒙上我的眼睛或略过去…

9.Whenever she had an argument with her husband, he ran and told his mother and the two of them beat her unmercifully .每次她跟丈夫发生口角,他就跑到他妈那边去告状,于是母子俩就把她毒打一顿。

10.So whenever you find yourself in a situation that you are not suitable to, you could call yourself a fish out of water.当你身处一个你自己不适应的环境,你可以说自己像是离开水的鱼。