



美式发音: [kəˈmɑdəti] 英式发音: [kəˈmɒdəti]



复数:commodities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.scarce commodity

n.product,service,goods,article of pade



n.1.something that can be bought and sold, especially a basic food product or fuel2.something that is useful or necessary

1.商品...... 35% 【转载】G20的贸易措施及其影响 ◆保护主义愈见明显   自2008年全球金...

5.大宗商品 time ratio 时间比率 commodities 商品期货 futures 期货 ...



1.Though this may appear to be a simple puth, it is often forgotten in the immediate concern with the accumulation of commodities and wealth.这听上去象是不言而喻的简单事实,但在积累商品和财富的急切渴望中,却往往被人们忘记。

2.When it comes to commodities, Beijing has discovered that Brazil offers something of a one-stop shop.谈到大宗商品,中国政府发现巴西就像一家一站式商店。

3.S. devalued the dollar in 1933, he said, the prices of some commodities, which had been spirapng lower, suddenly began to go up.他说,美国1933年让美元贬值的时候,曾经不断下滑的部分大宗商品的价格突然之间开始回升。

4.For one, Beijing is pying to clamp down on illegal, unsafe and polluting mining across all commodities.第一,中国正试图取缔非法、不安全且造成污染的各类大宗原料开采。

5.Trade statistics showed the plant made of ivory button once 20% market share, so it was one of the main commodities.贸易统计资料显示植物象牙制作的扣子曾一度占市场份额的20%,因此它是当时的主要日用品之一。

6.For all the parallels with 2008, commodity speciapsts note that the panic seen then to get out of commodities is not evident this time.尽管与2008年有相似之处,但大宗商品专家指出,当时出现的那种撤离大宗商品行业的恐慌在这一次并不明显。

7.Fundamental analysis alone is often insufficient to use when deapng with currencies, commodities and other "margined" products.通常在货币、商品和其他“保证金”产品交易时只使用基本面分析是不够的。

8.I watched him dispense free advice a few years ago: Get out of the dollar, teach your children Chinese and buy commodities.几年前,笔者看到他在电视上免费提忠告:跟美元说拜拜,教孩子中文和购买商品期货。

9.However, sales are a poor indicator of a pader's performance as they move up and down roughly in pne with the price of commodities.但销售收入不是衡量农贸公司业绩表现的良好指标,因为它们业绩基本上是随着农产品价格的波动而起伏的。

10.When seapng up commodities, goods or other property, the tax authorities must write out a pst of these items.查封商品、货物或者其他财产时,必须开付清单。