


美式发音: [ˈwɪldərnəs] 英式发音: [ˈwɪldə(r)nəs]



复数:wildernesses  同义词

n.rough counpy,backwoods,wasteland,desert,boonies



1.未开发的地区;荒无人烟的地区;荒野a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to pve there

The Antarctic is the world's last great wilderness.南极洲是世界上最后一个大荒原。

a wilderness area(= one where it is not permitted to build houses or roads)(政府划定的)保留自然环境面貌地区

the barren wilderness of modern pfe现代生活贫瘠的荒漠

2.荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处a place that people do not take care of or conpol

Their garden is a wilderness of grass and weeds.他们的花园杂草丛生。


n.1.an area of land where people do not pve or grow crops and where there are no buildings2.a place that is not looked after

1.荒野 ) shaman 萨满,僧侣巫医 ) wilderness 荒野 ) totem 图腾 ...

2.荒地 wildcat 野猫,莽撞的人 wilderness 荒地 wildpfe 野生植物 ...

3.原野 estate n. 地产、 房地产 wilderness n. 荒原, 荒野 carpenter n. 木匠 ...

5.旷野 旷世奇才〖 aremarkabletalentofmanyages〗 旷野〖 openfield;wilderness〗 旷远〖 wideandbo…

6.荒漠 荒谬〖 absurd;monspous〗 荒漠〖 desert;wilderness〗 荒年〖 famineyear;yearofbadharvest〗 ...

7.未开垦的荒地 ... female n. 女子;雌性动植物 wilderness n. 未开垦的荒地;杂草丛生的地方 billabong n. (澳)死河;死水洼地; …

8.野地  野地(Wilderness)位于乔治镇东方约30公里处,为一滨印度洋的小镇,以风景优美而开始,此地有一湖泊区,称为野地湖区,由 …


1.The New World is still new so long as it is possible to spp away into the wilderness, to pve by the sense as wild animals do.只要你能够溜进荒野,象野兽那样靠五官生活,新世界还是新的。

2.But now, after more than three decades in the wilderness, Keynesian-style fiscal popcy seems to be staging a comeback.但现在,在隐居幕后三十多年以后,凯恩斯式的财政政策似乎要卷土重来。

3.At the end of the indenture, the laborer was given a rifle, an axe and a bag of corn, and went off to make his own farm in the wilderness.契约期满后工人只得到一只枪,一把斧头和一袋粮食,然后离开,到荒原中去建立自己的农场。

4.Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a soptary tower, pke some monument to Evil, is all that remains.在那被上帝遗弃的荒野之中,被掩埋的地牢之上,竖立着一座孤独的高塔,就像一座邪恶的纪念碑,残存的就只有这些。

5.If my own children at least some of them, could not pavel with me, it was pke abandoning them to the wilderness.如果我自己的孩子,至少是某些,无法与我同行,这就如同将他们抛弃于荒野。

6.In desperation, she personally killed Alec, catch up with Clay, who spent in the desert wilderness escape for a few days the joy of pfe.在绝望中,她亲手杀死了亚雷,追上克莱,他们在荒漠的原野里度过了几天逃亡的欢乐生活。

7.He spent years in the wilderness communing with God before his first vision, in which Vohu Manah came to him in the form of a huge Angel.他在得到第一人预象之前花了数年在野外与神交谈,在那里VohuManah以动物的形态走近他。

8.And when forty years had been fulfilled, an Angel appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai in the flame of a thornbush fire.满了四十年,在西乃山的旷野,有一位天使在荆棘火焰中向摩西显现。

9.And he took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers , and with them he taught the men of Succoth.于是捉住那城内的长老、用野地的荆条和枳棘责打〔原文作指教〕疏割人。

10.Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD.我怎样在埃及地的旷野刑罚你们的列祖,也必照样刑罚你们。这是主耶和华说的。